If the FPS mode is something I could turn off like the Hollywood style camera that's been in game since GTA 3 (a fun thing to use but not really play by) then yeah. Bring it on.
Well said. I remember my first experience was Pong. The first at-home edition, with a static vinyl overlay you put on the TV screen itself. I was 4. Then came the 2600, Commodore 64, Intellivision. I remember loving the Intellivision's massive button count controllers for the complexity. Then came the NES era. I was blown away by seeing a sidescroller that seemed to have infinite levels (Mario) and completing my first game with an actually ending scene/credits (Zelda). I remember battery saves being revolutionary.
By the time you had YOUR first gaming experience I was already 18 and had tons of my own.
Maybe this is why I like Destiny so much. It tries to be different than any genre out there. Wether it succeeds or not is in the eye of the gamer. In the 36 years I've been playing games it may well be the first to defy description. I can't put the game down, yet I know I've played better (and worse).
The days of leaning on reviews to trust in your hard-earned gaming money may well be over. The gaming audience has just grown too vast for single reviewers. Maybe something needs to return. I remember EGM (a publication from which Gamespot first spawned, no less) used to use 4 reviewers for the same game. Often you'd see review scores of like 8,4,8,6 because those 4 guys would rarely agree on anything.
Maybe reviews need to go to that kind of format now, a council of opinions vs. a single mind representing a site as a whole.
@machineares And you sir, are kidding yourself if the reverse is not equally true. Most customers only care about games, that they function correctly (and a lot of entitled folk to THEIR specifications, see ANY MMORPG) and are out timely. Business want our money, we want good products. That is commerce. Given a few exceptions, there's no 'big evil corp' or 'poor downtrodden gamers'. There are publishers and there are customers. There is supply and there is demand. Little more.
Tanares' comments