I'm not so sure about you guys being wrong about Konami. It will take a miracle to return from this debacle. Their reputation in the game industry is forever tarnished.
@PayneKiller: No kidding! I mean there are still douchebags in the game... but I *love* the game now. Most of the cheaters are gone, a lot of folks won't bother you doing business unless you mess with them first, getting full activities is easy... tons of stuff to do and buy.
Most OverHyped game of the year. Boring ass unoriginal with typical Blizzard-ness stereotypes and cliches. Why do people keep eating the shit sandwiches Blizzard continues to shovel?
@Darth_Tyrranus: Ignore? About 1/3 of the weapons were used by the French (this includes vehicles). The light tank is French. Yes, the French were one of, if not THE biggest contributors, however... I don't care. Fun game is fun. Premium for BF4 was well worth it IMO. You are welcome to decide that for yourself.
Just stop crying about it, my god. We don't need your 'help'.
Tanares' comments