I basically stopped playing Skyrim a few years ago, but I could get back into it if they do a remaster. I mean, one way or another I'll probably get back into it eventually. I'm definitely a PC gamer, though, so there will have to be a PC version. Oblivion is a game I've revisited with almost every new graphics card, laptop, or monitor since it came out ten years ago. An Oblivion remaster might be worthwhile. I played Morrowind back in the day, my first Elder Scrolls game, but it felt too barren for me, as compared to the forests and mountains of the more recent games.
I use the console commands to set up screen shots, get unstuck when my character is caught on terrain, recover items that are stuck under other items, and occasionally to go "out-of-body" to figure out where bloatfly corpses have landed. One of the primary uses, though, is to deal with areas where the game is broken, things get stuck in your inventory, etc... Since they didn't release a bug-free game, I'm glad to have the console commands to bypass some of the frustration that would otherwise cause.
You didn't discuss gravity. The Moon, Mars, Venus and Earth all have different surface gravities. In a lot of science fiction (like the original "Total Recall") they totally ignore the fact that Mars has substantially less surface gravity than Earth, and this will affect running, walking and the way vehicles and even bullets move. Also, the differing distances from the Sun will have a subtle effect on the way the Sun looks in the sky, and the light intensity on the surface of each planet. Of course, cloud cover and so forth will also affect light intensity.
Dragon Age: Inquisition... I don't care about the multiplayer. I just want a great single-player campaign, a big and varied world to explore, and good story with character development choices, and great graphics. Of course, since the multiplayer is there, I might end up trying it.
I migrated over here from CNET's gaming site when it shut down like a decade ago. I'll probably stick around. I'm not as into gaming as I was a few years back, however. I haven't bought a new game since Skyrim came out. That may change in the future, depending on a combination of finances, time available, and other factors.
We all love Morrigan. Dragon Age has more compelling fiction and back story than The Elder Scrolls series, in my opinion, but I prefer the open world approach of The Elder Scrolls games over the linear, story-driven game play of Dragon Age.
A werewolf, a squid with leaves for hair, a little owl man plugged into a computer, a battle cruiser captain smoking a pipe, a bear, and Cthulhu. Could be a good game.
I played The Conquerors regularly for about ten years. My favorite civs were the Huns and the Mongols. Always, the largest random map. Always single player. No game was the same. Each map was a little different, and the game would go differently depending on events at the beginning. I would love to play in 1920x1200. I never could do that before... But I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to rekindle this old addiction of mine.
Targzissian's comments