if anyone knows any other solos or guitar players that do a similar distortion sound to that of eruption by eddie pelase post it here.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSial4J5jeM if anyone hasent seen this before check it out, this guy is insane.
you are very good, keep it up :D (personally im into trash metal music and crazy electric guitar solos, but that dosent make you a bad guitar player :O)
I personally thought that you should of used your powers to stop the biscut shipment, because everyone knows how nasty biscuts are.
The main character of Crysis blowing up your pc, with extreme graphix (dx 10 MAN!!) and super awesome physics.
Actually i do recall playing dawn of war, always called it warhammer :D. ya sorry had a brain fart their. i would have to go with starcraft though.
Ill have to go with Eruption by Van Halen, it simply sounds amazing. Other awesome ones are Jordan by Buckethead and One by Metallica.
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