I have a launch console, and last christmas I decided to buy an Intercooler, and it payed off! The Xbox is louder, but you can feel all the air coming out of it, its a lot. I'd suggest getting one. Its a nice $20 investment.JFannn
first time i have ever heard a good thing about a intercooler. Just hope and pray to the microsoft gods that your 360 doesn't break!
People have heard of Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, but no one really cares. People play call of duty because it's fun and can play online with there friends. Not for realism, you want realism Join the Military
So what?....I mean who cares!!! At the end of the day do you cry yourself to sleep thinking about this so called "atrocity"? I hope not cause that would be pretty damn pathetic. ITS A GAME!!! It doesnt matter, no one cares, just shut up and play the game or go play something like Hello Kitty Island Adventure, cause that sounds more like your game.
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