Yeah, I see the same thing. It also seems that the platform specific feeds no longer work either. I used to subscribe to the Gamespot PC News feed ( but it's just a 404 now. I'm sure the RSS feeds are low on the priority list but at least some comment would be nice. Was this intentional and even remotely on a plan to address?
TazmanianD's forum posts
I disagree, since the game was in development for nearly six years. That's a huge amount of time. Sometimes additional content is just that---additional content.ZipponI think the length of time it took to develop the game is irrelevant to whether or not the game was really complete and worth the price. If it took them 10 years to make a 10-hour long game, that doesn't justify a $60 price tag and then $10 DLCs. If it really took them six years to develop this game then I think they didn't do it very productively (and I write software for a living). I really finished this game feeling empty and that it was lacking in content so asking me for more money feels a little offensive.
The idea of DLC for this game kind of pisses me off. I was a bit disappointed in the game and in wasn't a very long game. Any DLC feels like an attempt to squeeze more money out of us for content that should have been in the game in the first place.
Yeah, I agree. That all makes a lot of sense to me and I can't argue with any of it or offer any alternatives.
I enjoyed both of the original games more than Infinite. I think my biggest complaint about Infinite is that it's mostly a sequence of battles with a bunch of empty wandering in between and a lot less just plain fighting. Compared to the original two, there were far less random or individual enemies to deal with.
I also really missed having some power like Adam that you had to collect and having some bad-ass bad guys you had to defeat. There were a few in Infinite but there was no reward attached to killing them. The fact that I had to increase most of my abilities just by collecting money seem less interesting.
I also couldn't stand the 2 weapon limit. That just drove me crazy. Not to mention no tonics, no ammo variety, no hacking, no research. I thought leaving all of that out was a step backwards.
Okay, I'm being a little disingenous with my statement because I happen to be one of those people who like this game. I just can't believe anyone else does. I'll admit to being a little snobby about games; I tend to think that a lot of games these days are dumbed-down, hand-holding, easy, created for the lowest common denominator type of games and I tend to think that consoles are part of the problem. But this game has *none* of that. There's no quest log, no quest markers, no map, no dialog history, nothing! And it's really hard on top of that with some really brutal game mechanics. And originally a console-only game to boot.
And yet this game seems to have gotten high ratings from players. I wonder if that means that developers and/or publishers who think that dumbness and hand-holding are required are just wrong and we gamers actually like and can handle the tougher stuff.
I think you nailed what I would say is the most glaring failing of AC3 so no, you didn't miss anything. The side missions in the earlier games were interesting and had story to them. These missions in AC3 are crap. I guess this is what happens when you try to release a game every year.
There are some archived topics on this on the gamefaqs forums but I didn't see one here. How would you order the 5 games? Here's mine:
ACB > AC2 > ACR > AC3 > AC1
Yeah, I totally agree. The music and sounds in the Ezio games were really excellent and among the best I've ever heard in a game. The music (and lack of it) in AC3 totally sucks.
8) NO AMBIENT MUSIC!!!! This is the absolute game-killer for me. I loved the music in previous AC games: emotive, moving, and very evocative of place: wandering around Rome or Venice or Constantinople was a joy because the music was so beautiful and inspiring.
I really agree with a lot of what you said but I'll definitely second your point above. The music in all the Ezio games was truly amazing. The theme music for Ezio and his family, the ambient music for the cities, the "determined" and "full of concentration" music you get during missions, were all awesome. Then AC3 comes along and the music is utterly lacking. I'm shocked.
I also felt the same way about the sound effects. The digital effects you get from the animus in the earlier games was pretty good but they felt weaker in AC3. The first time I really started to notice a difference was the sound you get when you synchronize a viewpoint. The sound you get from that struck me as the audio equivalent of poo :-/.
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