Wii has plenty of good action games. Metroid Prime 3, Red Steel, Resident Evil 4 etc. Not to mention, you get a more diverse library with the Wii. ng1234
red steel yeah right already played that game and i never want to see it again lol
Dont sell your Wii, i'm against it, sell a console to buy another one is not a smart choice (only to upgrade, GC for Wii, PS2 for PS3, etc), you may regret it and that is a horrible feeling.
Save some money and get your 360 o better yet a new graphic card.
360 has a much more solid line-up of games coming in the near future. If you've already played alot of the Wii's best games (SMG, SSBB, MP3, etc...) then I'd go with the 360. Although at the end of 2009 Nintendo will get some awesome games, however if you don't wanna wait that long... 360.death919
the games i had for wii are zelda,mario galaxy,paper mario,ssbb,guitar hero 3 and metroid prime 3.
No it depends what kind of games you like. There are a few good titles coming out on the Wii, but it depends if you like those kind of games or not. I personally like the 360 more than the Wii, but that does not mean if I could only have one or the other, and had a Wii, I would not sell it to get a 360.
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