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TeabagChampion Blog

Horror titles for the Holidays

It seems like the closer that we get to the holidays, the more titles are being published and released, but what its the most interesting thing is that the majority of these games are survival horror games, or/and shooters with somewhat of a survival theme to it. Even 1st person and 3rd person shooters have a horror theme to it. When I look back at my wish list, it seems like if all of these titles are coming out right before Halloween, and to top it all of, yes, 4 out of 5 titles are servival horror games. What do you guys think?

Wipeout auto-save

Have you ever had a game that has the auto-save option that cant be over written? Well, not to long ago I bought Wipeout HD for the PS3. Wipeout is one of those games that has the auto-save option that can't be over written. In other words, if what happened to me happens to you,... you're screwed. The other day I was playing Wipeout HD and was working on getting one of the trophies in the game. All of a sudden, the power goes out while the system was auto saving. Guess what, it turns out that the system didn't forget that I had some trophies, but some how forgot my stats. Talk about my lucky day. Let me know if I'm the only one that this has happened to because I'm so pissed off right now that I feel like punching PS3's CEO in the face!