I don't have a mediocre PC. I'll defidently be able to run the graphics on the highest setting. I just think from what I saw in the game play videos that a mouse would make it a whole lot easier and better to control Issac when he's walking/running and when he's aiming.
I've been watching every game play video I could find of Dead Space and have come to the conclusion that this game will defidently be better on the PC. So, I'll pick it up for $10 less for the PC than the 360.
I really liked to play online with it a lot, but then I got to skill 45 and just could not get any higher than that. So, it started to piss me off becuase I could not get a higher skill. At the moment I'm not playing halo 3 anymore; I'm playing Castle Crashers. It has really addictive gameplay and a very unique leveling system. If you liked the old SNES Teenage Mutant Turtles side scrolling game, and the old Simpsons Arcade side scrolling game, then I recommened trying the free trial download on the marketplace.
Wow. I hate people like that. I wish there was some way for you to locate the persons responsible for doing that and give them a piece of your "mind." I know I would. That really sucks, though.
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