And to think it took them forever to get this out of the door too. Hopefully a different company - one that actually gives a damn and isn't incompetent gets to do the 2nd game properly.
I waited, must be 2 years now to play this game becuase I thought it was going to be good and amazingly yes I have never played Baldur's gate. Great to know those years of waiting for a product like this was a complete waste of time. I should have just bought the old games and played the mods years ago rather then having faith in Overhaul Games.
What is so hard about making good DLC? It seems like they are obsessed with offering as little as possible for the highest price and are constantly testing how low they can set peoples expectations of what they get for their money.
DLC has become a completely unpassionate and cynical affair which seems to be mandated by suits and out of touch number crunchers rather then people passionate about making games and a rich experience. Time and time again bad bad slapped together DLC, we were much better in the days on expansion packs considering DLC's history of low quality.
Why didn't mention my comment pointing out you didn't even mention in your 2 page "review" that the whole Firefight mode - my favorite part of the game - was completely scrapped in halo 4? You don't even have it mentioned in the negatives section, nowhere nadda, zilch. Oh course if you mentioned that in this video you would be the ones looking like morons. Well go ahead and cherry pick comments from 12 year olds to make you feel better but your failure at reviewing the game and giving gamers the information they are supposed to have needs not be cherry picked, the failure is right there for all to see.
Well that will be kinda hard becuase the morons removed my favorite mode Firefight, being the only one I played.
Thanks Gamespot and Chris the Editor for not even mentioning the fact a whole game mode was removed in your whole 2 page "review". Nice to know you're giving gamers the information they need /sarcasm.
Chris, why did you not mention that Firefight was completely removed from this game? I searched both pages and not once mention of the word "Firefight". How do you expect people to take your review seriously and as objective when you don't even mention this *major* issue.
My favorite part of Halo was and is the Firefight mode. I read your review a while ago but it didn't give me the information I needed to make an educated choice on whether to buy the game or not becuase it ignored this. I found out just a half an hour ago from a forum poster that Firefight was not included. A forum poster did a better job then you on this fact. I'm disappointed and misled, I would have been really pissed off if I bought this game trusting in your review and found out 80% of the reason why I buy a Halo game was not included and you failed at the simple task of giving a proper *complete* review to your readers.
I was thinking of buying but instead I had to do my own research, trusting in your review would have failed me and continues to fail all those who love the Firefight mode and were not told it was axed becuase you failed to mention it.
You almost cost me $60 and a trip to the store and being pretty pissed off, so yeah glad I didn't trust in you.
@parrot_of_adun @cfisher2833 Not saying it a completely negative thing. Bayonetta was essentially a clone of Devil May Cry's gameplay but they brought enough new to the table that it can stand on its own merits.
@cfisher2833 @alnors In Dishonored you get runes, In Bioshock you get Adam. You find them in the same way in the world with similar pacing and you could call Runes Adam and you wouldn't know the difference. The way you find them in the world has the same feel as Bioshock and you need them to upgrade and get new powers, exactly like Bioshock.
The game is extremely similar not just in art style feel and engine. Yes they added a more stealth component which should be expected form a new game but much of its other components are similar.
These individuals worked on Bioshock 2, that's their main experience and they brought it over into this game. It;s quite obvious to look at.
Telekenesis123's comments