Skyrim runs terribly on the PS3. Remember the whole framerate crawls to a halt thing? Even after the fix it has worse textures and a lower framerate - that's usually the case for most multi plat games on its system.
"They probably don't think it's even worth it to localize or whatever ...but if it's coming out for the PS3 they already have that.
Meaning it is already localized in Japanese becuase it's coming out for the PS3.
"but if it's coming out for the PS3 they already have that."
In context I was just talking about localization on the 360 therefore when "for the PS3 they already have that" it means it is already in Japanese on the PS3.
2 comments the same thing needed to be explained, what is this grade school?
@RO-nIn187 J=How about you get reading comprehension beyond the 3rd grade level and read the comment you are replying to? Serious.
"They probably don't think it's even worth it to localize or whatever ...but if it's coming out for the PS3 they already have that."
Meaning it's coming out for the PS3 in Japan and it's already localized in Japanese.
They also don't buy the 360 there not becuase it sucks, it's an amazing system and the vast majority of games that come out for it that are multi-plat are superior on the 360. They don;t have it there because their culture has strong prejudiced and xenophobic tendencies especially when it comes to supporting corporations. Well you wanted the answer, I'll give you the obvious one everyone knows.
"Various reasons" Thanks for clearing that up bro.
They probably don't think it's even worth it to localize or whatever ...but if it's coming out for the PS3 they already have that. Perhaps it shows they have little faith in the game themselves where the licensing fees wont even be worth it. Who knows but I think it's unfortunate.
If it comes with the Kinect and I have to subsidize that thing with an inferior console GPYU, CPU etc I will consider not buying. $299 is too low to have a high tech console first yet have to subsidize a kinect pack in.
Why would they miss the 2013 Christmas season releasing in February, that would be huge mistake so I think we can assume late Nov early Dec as more plausible.
What about frame rate or improved textures. It should have perfect 30 fps or higher even with texture improvements but I doubt this will happen instead it will be a "spend as little money and effort as possible" port.
@slayer1090 Nintendo also has a responsibility to deliver that better experiences are available on its console to justify people buying a whole new one. When superior experiences are available on 7 year old hardware Nintendo has a problem justifying its existence and cost especially to early adopters.
@Megavideogamer It's fully capable, they're just using it as an excuse for their extreme apathy and laziness betting people are too dumb to know better.
Telekenesis123's comments