@dom28 @Temujin_basic Agree, gives those two console a second life to PC gamers, gotta thanks those guys who took the time and effort to make emulators. Dolphin seems harder to configure though, I dunno what do u think?
@highlanderjimd Games can be as good on a stable 30fps or even 25fps as long as the overall gameplay is good. It should be gameplay-story-graphics in that particular order, the Crysis sequels are more graphics-story-gameplay.
@Black_Pander @snova9308 Crysis was graphically awesome, but gameplay wise Far Cry (the original, not the crappy Ubisoft sequels 2 and 3) was more challenging, had better AI, and was more revolutionary. The nanosuit kinda ruined the gameplay, was more like a cheat. Try playing Crysis without any power up when u're against enemies for a better challenge. Games nowadays are too easy.
This isn't revelatory. I knew Microsoft had an eye on Sega when I saw that small Windows CE logo on my Dreamcast back in 1999, and eventually Microsoft made their own console with the original XBox.
Temujin_basic's comments