@nolgeo @Textfield I know its a Console Reveal, but it's a GAMING CONSOLE reveal. And the points of PS4 WAS a GAMING Console review. It was more "Techy" or "Geeky" in a Gamer's aspect. Mentioning about Real-Time Graphics, Particles it can handle, New texture technology, lightning and all the stuff IS Related to a Gaming Console. It was about HARDWARE too, it was about the Console. But a Gaming Console.
If the CONSOLE REVEAL you're talking about is an Espn and Nfl lover home-entertainment product for Americans, that's where we think apart.
To me, gaming platform presentation would mention about:
- New Engine (unreal 4)
- Best Real-Time Graphics can ever achieved
- Gameplays in-action
- Mentioning about CPU power and how the hardware can handle it.
We all know that was PS4.
And what i would NOT want to see?
-Hand gestures that lets you make your screen multi-tasking (from windows 8 metro interface, nothing new, been around for more than 6 months)
-Old franchises that got, well, old...
- Switching to TV is kinda faster, (like saying "TV" or just click on input button from your freaking remote)
I guess, as a customer looking for a gaming platform, PS4 made a better impact so far. Game console should stay as a game console. Accessibility is not something to be proud of in 2013, every device access to everything anyways. No biggie.
@dani_i89 Oh boy you know nothing about games do you? Loving Halo and Fable (which is also on ps4) and calling watch dogs a GTA rip-off is really ignorant of you. Than halo is a fps and doom rip-off. Xbox showed lame games and everyones agreeing on it. Enjoy your Halo 5 on killing space midgets with sharpy heads. Most overrated franchise i've ever seen .
From what i compared by their presentation --strategically, Xbox was more like an home-electronics for American audience. Tv experience was mentioned more than gaming. Also showing C.O.D, HALO and FIFA is kinda lame for a next-gen platform reveal. Didn't look innovate. PS4 did a more gamer-friendly approach this time. I'll let 'Merica enjoy their TV and Movie platform, i'll go with PS4.
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