ThaDirtySouth's forum posts
I tried the 10 day trial for WAR, it was okay to kill time, but I could never see myself getting into it. The powers and skills were cool, the styling and artwork were very bland I thought and the armor and weapons were depressing. You get excited to get your first green piece of gear or weapon, and it looks just like your starting one. You don't feel as rewarded.
The pvp felt clunky and seemed like people just ran around spamming spells and whatever side had the most people in the particular area ended up capping.
If you thought WoW was repetitive, level up to 10 or 12 in WAR and you feel the same way.
You're correct, never officially killed Malygos. My guild and I had a falling out the same night they downed him so never got credit. As far as the other ones I don't know what to tell you.
TF2 is really a good game and also doesn't take much to run. The diversity of classes allows people with different styles to enjoy the game. They not TOO long ago added class specific achievements to the scout and they plan on adding more so that's always cool to shoot for.
No I didn't get the achievements, for example I didn't get the achievement for killing Arch in hyjal but I have the gear to prove it. I've cleared every heroic in BC as well as every Reg instance in BC but some aren't retroactive for some reason. I mean I know all you can do is take me at my word, but I don't have anything to prove so I really don't care. Even some of the achievements added for pre BC stuff weren't activated for my toon and my shaman was the first character I ever made.
I think Illidan was easy but at the same time, I think that was one of the funnest fights to date. The title was easy, getting Guardian of Cenarius, was pretty hard.
I did BT pre nerf but didn't get geared till after nerf, I've downed Brut before any nerf to SW and gave up on SW because it was just more of the same old same old to me. I linked my armory in the other thread about WoW on this board. Yes I played all the way back then cleared MC, never got to Nef on BWL or anything in original Naxx because around that time AQ was coming/came out and I have cleared AQ20 and the first 3 bosses in AQ 40.
Everything in BC cleared and everything to date in Wrath cleared. Except it took ridiculously less time to clear all the raid content in wrath than BC or Pre BC.
You can see most of the basic quests in the first 20 minutes, it's go here and kill X amount of Y mob. Etc etc etc. The sad part(and it really is the nature of the beast) is that to really experience the AWESOME aspects of WoW you have to grind to the max level, get the good gear and then get into the pvp or the high end raid content.
That may be debatable for some people but in my opinion that's the best part of WoW the max level content, pvp and raiding. I also think it's sad that thanks to the expansions, and depending on what server you play on, no one has any clue about the original raid content, and that's sad because that's when it was actually difficult and you needed some strategy, which I personally find more fun, using a strategy and coordinating with others.
As far as Runescape, I heard it was a high level grind so I never bothered trying it out.
Private servers, I've tried them, most have "working raid content" but half the time you can bug it out and 2-5 man bosses which isnt the way it's supposed to be played. The only reason I would reccommend a private server is if you didn't want to sign up for a subscription but wanted to see how the game looked/played/felt etc.
Private servers are "illegal" in Blizzard's eyes I guess but I've played on quite a few and I've gone back and forth between legit Blizz servers and random private servers, the only reason why they're "illegal" is because it allows people to play WoW for free and Blizzard doesn't get their money.
EDIT: Heres my armory link for **** and giggles ( ) My Tier 6 armor is in my bank, both resto and elemental sets and I deleted my Tier 2 armor a long time ago, just go to give perspective as to what I've seen in the game.
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