Most of my complaints are caused by the clunky user interface, for example it takes a few seconds for stuff to load when youre customizing but I can look past that, it's really just a bunch of little things that eventually add up. For example the inconsistent lag icon coming up where it freezes you for a couple seconds, I hate that and I know it's not my connection. I've died a few times because it froze me in a spot and I got owned. Another thing is the character in crouch position but he's standing up, and then you tap Triangle to stand and then tap it again to crouch, he is still standing. WTF? I got to use the claymores, they were very satisfying killing someone with them. The grenades are kinda screwy, the guy will do the whole throwing animation but he wont toss the grenade, I dunno what the deal is with that.
I successfully knifed someone my first game, it was awesome, snuck up on the guy and knifed him in the back, instant death.
Demolition is fun, but apparently now to pick up the bomb you have to press X while standing on top of it now, as opposed to just running over it to pick it up. The nightvision rocks and XR at night rocks. The scopes are great on the guns but sometimes I don't really think the guns are shooting where the crosshair is pointed when looking thru the scope.
The loading times are really inconsistent, sometimes its a decent minute or two to load and others it takes what feels like an eternity to load 8v8 crossroads.
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