So far we know we'd like to have the word "Iris" in it, because the Iris flower is both my mother's and the other leading band member's deceased grandfather's favorite flower, so we decided there's definitely a sign in it. Plus the imagery of an (eye) iris and a (flower) iris together are pretty awesome. But the simple name of "Iris" is already 4 countries.
So any suggestions for a good band name, prefferably short, that uses the word Iris would be awesome, though we are open to other suggestions. The band is looking to be a glassy, atmospheric/euphoric, emotional, slightly trippy, piano and guitar effect driven band in the vein of a Sigur Ros, Radiohead, Led Zeppelin (lyrically) hybrid. My favorite band names of all time are probably Explosions In The Sky, Sigur Ros, and Soundgarden btw. Also, opinions on the name (the) "Final Iris" because that's a possibility right now, we like the imagery that it brings up in a kind of last shimmer of hope sort of way. Thanks from (insert future band name) here.
ThaLootDog's forum posts
Well I'm so tired of the pointless shoot em' ups and trash games on my 360 and Wii that I've gotten off my butt to get on this forum and ask you all for some recommendations.
I've played these:
Silent Hill 2
Persona 3 FES
Beyond Good & Evil
Kingdom Hearts 2
Metal Gear Solid Series
Shadow of the Colossus
Final Fantasy Series
Prince of Persia Series
Eternal Darkness
Paper Mario
Zelda Series
Half-Life Series
Assassin's Creed
Halo 1
Halo 2(jk)
Mass Effect
Chrono Trigger
I generally consider Silent Hill 2, Braid, Persona 3, Metal Gear Solid 3, and SotC as my favorite video game stories for an idea of what I'm into. As you can see the uniqueness of how the story is told is as important as the actual story to me.
I've played all these games that have awesome stories or some consider to have awesome stories (Halooooo). So don't reccomend any of those. I also already know of the awesomeness that is the stories of Deus Ex, Planescape, and Grim Fandango, but have not acquired them yet. Also don't say the japanese one on the dreamcast that never saw its conclusion...don't say it
I would have to agree with you, the trailer alone is the reason I'm buying a PS3 before the release. That and MGS4, and maybe FFXIII a little after.Whenever The Last Guardian comes out.
I dare say that from the E3 trailer, it looks like their best game yet.
It's been a while since SotC, easily one of the best games I've ever played, and I'm getting a little anxious for the next "best game ever", so is Team Ico gonna pop another one out anytime soon? A new epic from this team would be more than enough a reason to buy a PS3, coupled with MGS4 and the upcoming Final Fantasy game, which hopefully won't be a letdown.
[QUOTE="ThaLootDog"]Twilight Princess and Super Mario Galaxy the two biggest letdowns of the century? What the hell are you smoking? Ha yea I know I'm in the minority in that fight, but I really disliked both of them. Actually, I completely take back what I said about Galaxy, I completely didn't give that game a fair chance. I thought, Mario in space, wow this can't be good, and I sold it short. I'm gonna give it another run. However, Twilight Princess just was not good at all. I like your Wind Waker pic btw, now THAT was a good Zelda game. Majora's Mask is still my favorite though.WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY? I mean seriously, I have been lacking a good adventure this gen, and don't tell me Twilight Princess, AKA the letdown of the century. RPG has been at least somewhat taken care of, I did like Fallout 3. But when I think RPG, like it or not, I think Final Fantasy, Persona, Chrono Trigger. Call em boring but I miss turn based, lengthy RPGs. I won't miss Blue Dragon though. Plus platformers have been pushed away too. And don't say Super Mario Galaxy, AKA the second biggest letdown of the century. Maybe I'm just caught with my pants down here, not that that expression really fits here at all, but I mean just imagine a game as epic as Shadow of the Colossus or OoT with PS3 graphics, I mean THINK ABOUT IT! Damn I'm pumped already. So can someone please shut me up and direct me to the nearest mindblowing game of epic proportions please? Or will I just have to wait for Team Ico to cook up another masterpiece.
I'm playing Shadow of the Coloussus right now and I just wish a game like that would be on a console this gen. CleanPlayerI know right, SotC and Ico are easily two of the best games I've ever played, SotC being probably the most epic. And I really like that FF art
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