There were a lot of problems with Oblivion. To name a few, repetitive environments, uninspired combat, unvaried enemies, mostly uninteresting quests, and a really grindy leveling system.
Ahw man did it? Well...that's okay, I'm not a fan of Peter Jackson anyway. If they are going to make a Halo movie, I want friggin Jerry Bruckheimer or Steven Spielburg or whatever at the helm, someone good like him. Just my opinion.
Why would you even put Jerry Bruckheimer and Spielberg in the same sentence? One is a director, one isn't.
I'm personally skeptical about whether or not Dragon Age will feature anything more than a very generic/cliched story. Returning to the typical high-fantasy setting is a bit of a risk for Bioware, since their recent forays into space opera/eastern (in Jade Empire) themes gave them fresh ground to work with compared to other RPGs.
As for why to get it, the Bioware pedigree is there. If you liked KOTOR, Mass Effect or Jade Empire, I'm sure this game will be a lot of fun.
That's a strange thing to be concerned about for a Bioware game considering they've pretty much proven at this point that, if nothing else, you can always count on them to deliver an excellent story.
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