Fantastic review, Kevin. Arma 3 is a deeply flawed game from a technical perspective, but the mechanics and online community make it a unique and consistently rewarding experience that few other games rival.
@Jamesp2005 @The3rdGracchus Did I say anything about day-one DLC or cut content? Here's the funny thing about using a strawman in an argument: anyone with half a brain can see right through it.
Anyway, seeing as you asked, I would rather that they simply say "DLC is coming, so hold on to your copies. It could be a few months while we give the content the care it deserves." Then, you know, skip selling a pass until the content close enough to say what consumers are actually paying for. The DLC isn't the issue (regardless of when it's created or how); it's taking consumers money for nothing but promises.
Yeah. I have nothing but respect for Irrational and Ken Levine. However, the business practice of selling a $20 pass on content that hasn't even been started is totally, 100% gross.
Then again, those people who were actually dumb enough to shell out 20 bucks for nothing shouldn't be surprised when they get dicked around.
You know, sometimes they come off as clueless and bumbling, but goddammit if the guys at Nintendo don't seem like they have their hearts in the right place.
The3rdGracchus' comments