@evil-zodiark @redman919 @Master_cheat001 'Tis the sad reality of modern times.The Japanese seem to like their protaganists in their teens.Anyone over 30 has grey hair and very grumpy,and calls the younger characters 'kid',or 'whippersnappers!' The main character in Yakuza is always getting called 'old man' or 'grandad'.Still,at least he's the main protaganist (or was,haven't played the fourth game,is he still the main character?)
@rtircoklled Yuna didn't look like a bad ass,she just looked like a tart! I know,she was supposed to be more upbeat and confident,but I preferred her naive personality in FFX.And with the risk of sounding sexist,FFX-2 seemed to be aimed at a female audience.I wouldn't mind that,but the game wasn't even a quarter as good as FFX was.
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