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TheDOR6 Blog

Im back!

Hey guys, ive been busy with school starting up n all. I just got an Xbox 360 and it is amazing! I have Gears of War, and rented Dirt, Forza Motorsport 2, and Bioshock. Its AWESOME! and i got it all for ~ $320.00!


Yesterday the power ws out til midnight due to the touch down of a tornado about 1 town over from mine. I was bored out of my mind. That is all...

The Next President (2008)

So I have been thinking about this for a long time now and Im not sure who I am going to vote for next year, Hilary Clinton or Barrack Obama. Im not sure as to who's running republican. The thing is I don't think Hilary has what it takes or she'll end up getting power hungry and abuse it. On the other hand, I dont think Obamais who he acts to be, otherwise known as a phony.

I may have to vote republican this year... not that im against it, its just that bush gave it such a bad rep.

Only One More

So far out of the 8 people I invited for the Buckethead Union, 3 have accepted and I only need 1 more for it to be official!

Anybody is welcome to it once it iscreated! :)

Now officially open!

Buckethead Union coming soon!

Once I reach level 6 I will be creating a Buckethead Union named after the gitarist.

If anyone is interested in joining or becoming an officer post here or PM Me.

Not sure who Buckethead is? Click here

And its finally here! PM me to join

Favorite Songs

Post your favorite songs

Heres my list:

1. Soothsayer- Buckethead

2. Stranglehold- Ted Nugent

3. Ich Will- Rammstein

4. Laid to Rest- Lamb of God

5.Hangar 18-Megadeth

6. Nottingham Lace- Buckethead

Buick, not just for old people

I had no idea that my 2001 Buick LeSabre w/ a V6 frontwheel drive could d a burnout! Well i guess it can. For a family car its surprsingly fast, i dont know why people always sayBuicks are old people cars. Probably just the way there styled, mind u the Lucerne does look cool and its fast, but their performance, at least mine, in the right hands can be a contender.

More Bushisms

(at the request of shwow12)

"We only have to be right 1 time as americans... wait... what?"

"When your working hard to put food on your family..."

"I didnt realize i had dyslexia!"

"There is no doubt in my mind that we will fail."

"Barneys my dog." (Proceeds to drop him)

there is a lot more...

The greatest guitarist in the world

For the past half a year now i have been listening to this guy who goes by the name of Buckethead and he is probably the best and definately obscure artist i have ever heard.

Songs to note-


Nottingham Lace


Big Sur Moon

Welcome to Bucketheadland

This is the best guitar playing the world has ever seen check it out!

American Idol

I am so sick of American Idol. At first it was funny seeing th people screw up n all but then it just got boring. And when its on FOX gives it top priority, letting it go over any other show it wants. Bullsh!t .

A now it has revealed what people in America prioritize, crappy TV. More people voted for the finalists than they did the president 2004. Makes me sick.

Its time for American Idol to go. End of story.

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