Thanks, but.... the third song isnt right. It was instrumental, but ,,Requim for a dream'' typeinstrumental.
TheDromader's forum posts
I never got an RRoD myself, but many people got theyr xbox's eather replaced or fixed, but more oftenly replaced. Or so I heard....
Dunno, but they replace the consoles with RRoD, so there is a chance.If not, then you could somehow make your xbox RRoD so you can get it replaced anyway :P Just aidea though....
The disc spins inside the xbox allright, but if its STILL spinning when opened and makes wierd noises while inside, something is defeniatly wrong.
So I remember3 songs I would like to hear again, but the problem is.... I dont remember theyr names :P I still remember the beat and some lirycs thought, so yeah, would someone help me? Here are the songs:
1. An easy one I think, and it goes like this: get up, ah, getum bah, get up, ah, getum bah, get on the scene, getum bah, like a s*x mashine, getum bah
2. A little harder, its a violin/techno combination, and lirycs (or so I think) goes like this: one bein, one now, one bein, one now, one bein, one now, one bein, one now, hey boms eboms, en one one day, hey boms eboms, en one one day......
3. Ok, I dont realy remember the lirycs, but the beat goes like this (its instrumental btw): DUDUDUM, bim dum dum, bim dum dum, DUDUDUM, bim dum dum, bim dum dum
So yeah, um..... help plox? Thanks.
Update: It appears that my GT below my sig is back with a canadian simble in it.:?
Ha, I knew it! Its those evil canadians again!!!! We must protect our children!1!!! BURN CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!eleven!!!!!!!!!!1!!!1!
Seriously thought, give theTC a break. He will know better next time. I can bet that each of you got scamed atlest once. But people learn from theyr mistakes.
Now its important if TC get his GT back or not.
Any opinions about Alone in the dark? And does Dead space involve any mindgames/puzzles? I'm currently looking forward to Silent hill, but I need to collect info first.
Yeah, forgot about Dead space. However, I rather aim at games what concentrate on puzzle sloving and mindgames thenshooter typehorror. When I played Dead Space demo I wasnt much impressed, howerer that was just a demo. Sooooo opinons?
I'm currently looking for a good horror oriented adventure game, and have some candidates (and yes, I made a topic about FPS shooters also but decided to changemy aim for now):
- Alone in the dark: Looks great, have great interaction and fire, but it seams that it has ,,wierd'' controls.I can adapt to it I think, but if the controlls are retarded to extreme I dont thinkanyone could handle it. Still, I dont know if this gameHAS extreme retarded controlls, just wierd.
- Silent hill homecoming: This is a difficult one. One people say its great, other say its crap and blasthemy againts silent hill, other complain about controlls being TOO good?!? I realy cant get a honest opinion about this one.
- Condamned 1 and 2: This one is more of a shooter than a horror-adventure, but theres clue gathering and all. The problem is that if I was to get one, which one would it be? I heard 1 is scarier and in the and better than 2, but others say that 2 is superior, but admit that its less scary. Opinions?
- Others: There might be games I have no idea about and are great, and since I dont own ANY game from the horror genre on xbox preety much any other game would do. Any recommendations?
Thanks for advice and all.
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