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TheEroica Blog

Mass Effect trilogy 100% complete

Team Eroica is happy to announce that every achievement available in Mass Effect 1,2 and 3 has been attained and sits proudly on the mantle, polished and ready to show off... it was a long road but it needes to be done. side note, playingany of the mass effects on insanity is the true way to experience these games... innnntense and tachtical. amazing fun.

11-11-11 brings me a PS3..

Its funny because I have absolutly no use for it on multiplats... I love my 360, the controller, the online, everything! but I wanted a bluray in my family room so it was time. I wasnt expecting the difficulty with the set up (apparently the ps3 hates lynksys routers?) but with a quick admin change to the router we were good... So yeah! 200 bucks for a 250 gig slim to play blu rays and ps3 exclusives... not a bad day...

Holiday gaming funk...

Im over 70 hours in to Fallout New Vegas and I'll admit im more than a tad frustrated. The game is fantastic and engaging and memorable, but c'mon, why can't i just do all the missions on one playthrough? I dont want to boot up old saves and I dont want to potentially tack on extra hours just to see multiple endings. Im just not a big fan of the end game design for this game. Fallout three had a clear path and allowed you to shape character along that path, but I still got to see everything. this seems like a bit of a cop-out. Needless to say, I havent been playing it as much because Im finding it hard to be motivated to finish... gotta get it done by xmas though... 6-7 new games inbound.

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