I think they should add a DLC Apocalypse pack!!! Zombies everwhere, with full on riots across the map... that would be so kickas*!Just like Red Undead Redemption
Oh... trust me, that's the main reason DC got hammered on the score... gamplay itself got an easy 5/6 pointsMultiplayer broken got 1/4 points... cause it was still there, but on a rare occasion. ..total score was 6/10 on DC
Your not.the first person to say that... Although I wouldn't know from experience...but I will take your word for it.
Resolution isn't everything. The Xone matches the PS4 resolution in this game... but I'm sure other visual properties were downgraded...
It tends to happen when your running a superior image... I'm sure the Xone version was stripped of some visual fedelity. If it is exactly the same to the nose, well.... don't expect a different outcome.
Ponies are very powerful creatures!!!Better than a goat....do you need to be milked??? Oh wait. MS already did that to all you goats this gen...
TheExxorcist's comments