All in all... I like MW 1-2 and first BO game... after that, the series is being milked... and then DLC for the extra cash, then re-milked, then more DLC and pre-order cash grabs...
No offence... but for the last 6 months I've seen more on the website about COD AW than anything...
the game has had screenshots, gameplay footage, required specs, resolutions, fps, sponsored links, more gameplay, even more gamplay, full reviews and now its released...
can we be done with the articles till some dlc maybe plz?
Ive seen so many articles and gamplay before release, I have zero intentions of buying now...
Yeah, I had an Xone ... till MS started changing everything... when they first released it they said "We have no intentions of selling a kinect free Xbox one at this time" I'm sure many people remember that statment... then 6 months later, they sell it w/o kinect... I felt I got shafted and forced to buy a chunk of hardware I didn't want, then they gave the middle finger to the early adopters...
I sold mine the next week. MS won't receive money from me again...
Okay... Sorry R2D2 ("my eyes are the frame readers") haha
quit being a fking fanboy and defending your Xbox game. What are you 12?... almost every game has its slow downs i.d.i.o.t
just drop it and live in your fantasy world. Believe w/e you want beleive:)
Sunset Overdrive is the perfect game!!! Best running game ever made! And believe it or not, you have the only 1080p copy in the world:) plus your Xone has a slight edge on the rest of the rest!
TheExxorcist's comments