Although, vita is the most capable hand held, I think they need to scrap it and make make a more powerful handheld... I've seen smartphones play games in full 1080p... There is no reason the Vita cant. Pack the hardware, make bigger memory sticks.
It's sad when games like Borderlands 2 can only have 2 players due to hardware limitations. Let alone the game is dumbed down as it is.
I love my Vita, don't get me wrong... but it need to pack more punch in my eyes.
Samsung TVs are the best on the market... your right many have adjustable game mode settings... and color corrections... and 240hz refresh rates are plenty:)
They loose money every time a new system releases... So Does MS... I'm actually surprised it's not more...
They won't turn a profit for at least a year... it's always been that way. After research, and development, and supply... it's a guaranteed loss for both companies... it's the software and accessories they bank on...
All new console releases are "At loss" ... at least for a year both company's will loose tremendous amounts of dough...they won't actually turn a profit for a while... I'm surprised Sony didn't loose more actually lol.
MS lost 2B last year alone in the Xbox devision... idk what PS3 lost... I'm sure it's close lol
TheExxorcist's comments