Besides... New Killzone looks better than any Halo ive seen.. and God of war, Diablo 3, The last of us, BattleField 4, ect. And I can play them all online NOT spending $10 a month..
Yeah.. So basically all the exclusives from MS. Fable, Forza, Gears Halo ... yeah you dont think MS will make those game Full online all the time???Cmon... MS Fooled you guys... No thanks
Im on my 3rd Xcrap console... and I only use them for exclusove games.. The hours on my PS3 first gen are uncountable... my first 2 Xboxs fried in less than 2 years each. I will admit the new slim 360 stepped it up a bit. But they still dont stream netflix in 1080p. And you have to pay an extra $10 over playstationn... WTF MS???
Whats sad with this allways on crap... if its truely always on (checked every 3 mins) it will be pretty sad somone wont even be able to watch a Bluray movie w/o internet connection...
Cinavia is actually disabled when you log out of your psn account and stream as guest. Works for most movies anyways. Or if your streaming through an access point (router / computer) you can just dissable your internet connection. And your good to go.
Ms should team up with Apple.. With the tighly squeezed walled gardens.. selfish!!! Its gonna be the same thing as Apple and Android ... Android dominates the Market now, Because Apple are Greedy and have no innovation... I have a feelimg this Gen console war is already over...
Your all gamers... Need before Greed! AppleSoft anyone?
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