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TheFuze Blog

Getting noticed

I haven't been on here long and im more or less a noob..

just wondering how long it would take to get noticed lol

probably forever

A week off =]

I have a whole week off of college next week AWESOME!!!

so im gonna spend it drinking, plying video games and sleeping.

Cmon.. i deserve it =D

Boring blog stuff yay!!!

I was wondering what my eye colour was today... and well when i asked my mom she said i have Violet eyes


Well actually no.. i have Blue eyes with a slight greenish tint ^_^

but my eye colour is still more awesome than yours =]

Topic thundaaarrr

Yo dawg i heard you like youtube so we put youtube on your youtube so you can watch youtube while you youtube

Halo Recon Armour

Ok so i was recently in an xbox live party with some of my friends who were all playing halo.. and they were all moaning about how they wanted recon armour so bad.

Honestly i am so SICK of hearing EVERY gamer moan about this.. Ohh waa waa waa i want recon armour waa waa its not fair waa waa omg STFU! seriously.. All you gamers who are like this that act tough over xbox live.. Your all babies.

Recon armour this Recon armour that OMG it gives me a headache.

I have tole my friends to stfu about it more than once.. cos when they play halo ITS ALL THEY TALK ABOUT

Im glad that Bungee are finally letting people have it..

Like giving candy to a crying monster of a toddler (a little sh**)

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