My two big questions are: Have they refined the "rep" system so that it isn't as broken as hell as it was for the 360? The fact of the matter is, players with terrible "rep" still popped up pretty often in my personal experience with the 360, and even then, you had to deal with the five year olds who would downvote you just for the sake of getting beaten. My other question is, how long are we talking about this "smart match" taking to find you a match. It damn well better be a system with solid match making speed . . .
My first important question: Who the hell is going to buy either of these games twice for two different consoles? They would play pretty much exactly the same. And secondly, I hope EA isn't really stupid enough to think that transferring the single worst mode between the exact same game on two different consoles would convince people to buy it twice. Or maybe they did think that, and really are that stupid. The more I think about it, the more realistic that seems.
@malokevi @TheGamerPhenom Funny, history suggests these "analysts," generally tend to get things pretty damn wrong. But hey, like I said. If you want to believe every bit of crap spouted off by "analysts," be my guest. Some of us, like myself, really couldn't give two shits, and call BS where there is BS. I don't particularly care about the console war, I said from the get go, where is his proof. I see no numbers, or no facts supporting his argument, other than that one blurb you keep repeating. He said words. That's it. Come back to me when you can show me the numbers he used to make this "estimate," and maybe we can have a real discussion.
Maybe I'm old school, but in my profession and in my schooling, I was taught to have evidence and facts supporting my hypotheses and estimations before ever making them. But I'm done arguing. If your only argument is to continue posting the same worthless link, instead of actually addressing ANY of the questions I've raised, you are 100% not worth my time. Have a good one.
@m4a5 @TheGamerPhenom @DarthLod So, where are the numbers? I've asked that five times over. He can say all he wants that he is basing it on "supply chain checks." Without documentation and actual factual representation to back up his claim, it is nothing more than a guess from any person on here.
@malokevi @TheGamerPhenom Funny, from what I can tell, you are the one not reading. But hey, an "analyst" says he based it on "supply chain checks," so that immediately makes it 100% credible, even without any documentation or figures to support it. But hey, I'm the one "beyond saving." Or perhaps, just perhaps, I'm the one who actually is reading here.
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