the question is why.. why would they do all that ??
i am not saying they don't track or collect data about you i am 100% sure they collect data like your browsing history, playtime and maybe other activities (just like all other companies) , but recording you sitting on a couch or record what you are saying is inefficient and impractical because there it is not humanly possible to go through all the footage and the result they will get from all this footage is finding what is the favorite couch people use :D
maybe they will use that patent in an arcade that uses kinect, maybe they will use it in a consumer product but it will make sense them so i will hold judgment untill i see how they will use it (maybe even use it to sue other companies every company have a team of lawyers just for that :D )
alright let it face the wall and when you need to use it just turn it around do whatever you want with it then trun it back to face the wall. and the mic thing we go back to the laptop, mobile, headset..etc has mic so treated no different
sorry if i missed it but all i know right now is that there will be online checks, but i know nothing about how frequent it will be (some people say it will be every 24 hours and if so i agree it is bad) but if the checkup only happens when you install the game or once a month then i don't think it is that big of a deal they aren't hurting the consumer that much while ensuring that the game is not pirated
also diablo 3 and sim city are always online DRM which is a whole new level of evil :D not some simple periodic checkup
no, i mean because everyone is doing it you should oppose it equally everywhere, i don't see as many people complaining about the always connected to the internet with a camera (or 2) and a gps being in your pocket 24/7 ??
btw you can put a strap on the kinect just like your laptop camra or let it face the wall.. so it should be treated just like that laptop cam nothing less nothing more.
if there is one thing i don't like about MS is how it handles indie games right now, they need to be open to indie developers. but other than that i don't see how they will hurst the industry..
please don't use laptops or smartphones cause they have "spying camera" ooooooh what about google glasses that people are drooling on?? or is it some stupid reason to hate on microsoft??
if you are paranoid about security go delete your facebook, instagram and other social media accounts cause the might be tracking you, don't use pcs or connect to the internet cause the operating system might be tracking you, privacy is a thing of the past and let me tell you that there is tons of companys that can track you and the might be and all of them don't need a kinect.
i don't get it, mobile authenticator is free so why not use it.... and blizzard is asking everyone to use it because it will save them a lot of head ache not because they make a ton of money selling them.
TheGreatmars' comments