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TheHippyKid Blog


Hello ladies and gentlemen

I am sorry to have not been active in a long time. School has made me its own personal slave, sports are teaming up with school, and my new youtube channel(s) are taking away lots of time.

I've at least been checking up on what was happening on the site.

School has been a mess for me this year, with honors testing,easily angeredspanish teachers, and of course surviving. everyday gets me closer to the last day of school and I can't wait for it.

Sports mostly consists of baseball. When I'm not playing or at practices, I'm working out or practicing. The entire process is incredible and I hope that my team will at least do decent due to all the commitment it takes.

THe youtube channel(s) are probably the most frustrating. Why? I'VE BEEN PLANNING TO START FOR TWO YEARS AND I ONLY STARTED A MONTH AGO. :( Obviously, the channel is a gaming blog. My two friends want it to post 99% online gaming and me? I want 50/50. Planning, arguing, designing, the entire process is mind boggling and we haven't even finished the first video yet.

So, I wanna know what has been happening around here and if anything funn, sad, epic, etc. happened so post below please :D < cant resist that smile

That is all for TheHippy(not so much)Kid


Welcome Back Hippy Blog

Hi there people

its been awhile since I've posted anything so instead of the game music blog (which I'm working on) I decided to make a blog about.... well the only type of blog I'm okay at writing, so prepare yourself for more stupid conversations

(These all happened with me and a girl I know)

Girl: OMG I love Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men

Me: You know he'd probably hit on you

Girl: :oYou think I'm pretty enough for him to hit on me?!

Me: -_-


*On bus. Me sitting with friends telling blond jokes and girl sitting with two friends*

Me: *tells blonde joke* (I don't actually think blondes are stupid)

Girl: JonI'mblonde and I'm not stupid

Me: Oh really,how many people are in your seat?

Girl: Two

Me: Did you remember to count yourself

Girl: >_>


*at locker next to girl*

Me: Everytime I see that Bieber poster in your locker i feel like I have to draw a mustache on it

Girl: You know what you are so mean to Justin Bieber sometimes, just leave

Me:Fine. *Slams own locker shut*

Girl;Why are you stilll here?

Me: I may have got my finger stuck in the locker



* in classroom *

Girl: Don't you think your friend James is hot.

Me; Um sorry, I don't check out my friends

Girl: Why?

Me: :roll: 'Cuz I'm already dating him

Girl: :shock:

Me: Its called sarcasm!

Girl: Its called being gay

Me: :x


*on bus. Boy says something to girl*

Girl:*walks over*That guy is such a pervert

Me: What he say?

Girl: He asked ifI could s*** his ****


Girl: Well.


Girl: Say something to him


Girl: Ugh. If you don't know what to say, just say the first thing that came into your head

Me:.... What was your answer?

Girl: -_- *Smacks my face and goes to different seat*

Me: *yelling back at her, smiliing* I'm still not sure


*Before class starts*

Girl: Do you think this shirt is too revealing?

Me: Do you think I'm your gay friends or something?

Girl; Well,now tha-

Me: Actually, don't answer that

Girl: :)


Well that's all. Sorryfor not being online that much. I'll try topost onas many things as possible. I hoped you like the blog.




Sorry I sounded so urgent but it is for a good cause (kinda)

It has been a while since I've last posted a blog and I wanna do a special blog next.

What do I want to talk about?

Video Game Music.

I know what you are thinking

"Video Game music?! You hippy are a noob."

Well I'm trying to show my mainstreamed friends that video game music can still really help a game overall.

So what do I need from you?

I want everyone to nominate 2 themes/songs from video games ,that you love,in either the comments or in my PM box

I would really appreciate it if you could.

After aweek or two I'll listen to all the nominees and make a top 5 of my opinion.

Thanks in advance


Hippy's Paranormal Blog 2

Hello there.

Well a long time ago I made a blog about some paranormal things that happened to me and such.

I know lots of people don't believe in ghosts and I am a skeptic myself, but when weird things happen with no explanations my imagination is the first thing to react.

*THIS IS A TRUE STORY! I'm not making this up.*

The scary thing about this paranormal idea is that it occured in my house.

I live in a very small house. It creaks and there are mice scurrying around the in the ceiling.

One day I was by myself in doors. It was very dark out and I was taking a nap in my room.

I was having a very frightening dream.

It was me walking around my house, except it didn't look like my house exactly. It looked like it had 30 years ago.

However, my dream self didn't care much and kept walking around.

Then in the middle of the room that is now my bedroom I noticed a smiling old lady.

The old lady seemed nice so I approached her and then she walked up to me and grabbed my face.

Her eyes turned red and when I thought that i was dead she vanished.

My heart was racing,but then I realized something, I couldn't move.

I tried with all my might but nothing happened.

Inside my head i heard the old lady speak, but I couldn't understand.

My body started to lurch forward and it stopped in front of the mirror.

My face looked more aged and in my eyes, to my horror, were red.

All of a sudden, I was floating and I was looking over my body.

I could hear the old lady inside my body laughing and I just floated there.

I started thinking and thinking, but I couldn't think of anything so I started praying.

I pleaded to get my body back,but nothing happened and then I tried the only other option

waking up.

When I woke up my fears seemed so real, I couldn't move my body and it wasn't like Icut off bloodfrom my arm, it was really impossible for me to move, except my eyes.I wasn't sure what would happen next, so I did

what I did in my dream and started to pray but the words that came out of my mouth were something I didn't understand, but I did make out the word Christos.

After a scary second I realized I could move my right arm and I kept concentrating.

I slowly but surely reclaimed my body.

I lay there, waiting for the old lady, but silence was all that came to me.

Then without warning I heard a giant crash from my kitchen and then the garage.

the crashing items in the garage were too large for a mouse to knock over and there were no mice in the kitchen.

It was as if I pulled her out and she was angry about it.

I slowly crept out expecting the worst, instead there was nothing.

I reluctantly looked at the time and I felt an itch on my forehead so I walked over to the mirror and for a split second I saw her again.

After freaking out, i checked it again but she wasn't there.

Once my parents got home I asked them about this house and they told me

that an old widow died in the house on the same day I "met" her.

That was probably the scariest thing that has ever happened to me.

I hope nothing scarier willeverhappen to me.

Slowly I got over it and now I just hope for the best.

Maybe it was all my imagination. Maybe mybody was just really tired for no reason. Maybe those things were bound to fall soon. Maybe the dream was just a coincidence. But the only thing for sure is I'll never forget the face. I'll never forget the feelings of helplessness.

Well that is all I have to write. please don't think I'm weird. I'm just writing my experiences down

Hippy Out

Merry Christmas and Happy Akward/Funny moments

Merry Christmas!

Hippy Claus here and I'm here to share some Christmas akward moments from everyone at Hippy Kid industries


Me; *waiting in bathroom line*

Fat guy:*shoves past everyone in line* I need to go!

*Fat guy has his Christmas Magic in stall*

*Door opens*

Fat Guy: Merry Christmas

Me:*sniffs air* Gross.

*at guy behind me* As my Christmas gift, you can go first

Guy behind me: *sniffs air* Ugh. I think I just converted. :?


*I'm at a play with my entire grade and the play ended*

Director: Merry Christmas to you all!

Kid next to me: &%^* you I'm jewish


Teacher: Now I want you to write what you want for Christmas

Friend: A monkey!

Other friend: A jet pack

Me: A pet narwhal :D

Random kid: Friends! >_>


Sorry I only have three moments for Christmas. I'll try to make more

What I got for Christmas:

AC Brotherhood

An airsoft pistol

$60 dollars worth of gift cards


Baseball bag


My Christmas question to you guys is

What was your best Christmas present ever?

Hippy's Movie Review 1


Today's review is on a semi-recent movie Get Him To The Greek

The movie is about Alduous Snow(Russell Brand), a famousrockstar, who releases an album call "African Album" which turns out to offend the african american community and is a huge flop. The flop results with him losing his beautiful pop star wife (Elisabeth Banks), his child, a decline in popularity,and drags himself into drugs and alcohol.

Meanwhile, Aaron Green (Jonah Hill), a lowly intern at a failing music company is told to find Aldous and bring him to a greek theater by his dirty-mouthboss Sergio (Sean Combs). The journey to theater with Aldous leads Aaron through a mess of drugs, girls, music, and more drugs

Memorable Quotes

"Shove this up your rectum RIGHT NOW."- Aldous Snow

"You can't out run me! I'm black!"- Sergio

*gets object shoved up butt* "WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME!?"- Aaron Green

Rating:79/100 Pretty Funny

Get Him to The Greek really shows a rockstar's life in a funny way and how funny Jonah Hill still is.

Happy Holidays


A few

I'm Bringing zombies back?

Hello all.

Yesterday I realized something.

Zombies are taking over :cy:

well mostly just my free time. :?

My reasoning.

I've been playing nazi zombies -correction- zombies on COD Black ops

It really is a great game to play with friends.

Whether I'm bossing my friends around or leaving them to fend for themselves, we all have a blast, or at least I am.

Once I was playing at five and I was with three friends. One friend and I were in the firstelevator shooting zombies from a distance while the other two took the two sides. All of a sudden I have an idea and send the elevator down leaving the two to fight for themselves. All I hear is," Where the *^^$ is the elevator? JON?!?!?"

I was laughingpretty hard and then I turned to the guy with me and asked," You think they'll be okay?"

Without missing a beat one of them goes down.

Fun times. Fun times.

The other part that zombies is taking over is tv. Why/

The insanely awesome show

Walking dead.

Some of my friends were talking about it and I was thinking," I hope it isn't like twilight except for zombies."

Dang I was wrong. It was the complete opposite of twilight. It has everything you need. Guns, great actors, disgustingly realistic zombies, and an asian :D

I don't want to spoil anything for you so go watch it on amc.

Before I go I'm going to leave with the only non-zombie related thing in this blog.

Its a funny video by nigahiga,kevjumba, and some other guy.

Here's the link

Hippy out

Lone Page 2

Hi people

I guess I'll continue with Lone instead of the decline for now. :?

Oh also there may be some lines that seem inappropriate,but I'm trying to talk like Jay would so don't get mad. please don't flag me.

*Explicit Warning*


I smiled at Weather's response. He was the kind of person that I envied. He never really understood what being "cool" was like, unlike me. He'd wear the drift store clothes, didn't swear, and just went on with his life not knowing what other people thought of him.

Normally, someone like him would get beat up, made fun of, the usual douche stuff. Well this is where me and him are different. I'm the one who takes all the crap, he's the 6 foot 7, 200 pound muscle monster that played football,basketball,baseball, wrestle, andtrack.

He was the kind of guy that could run 100 yards, break tackles, and cry about stepping on a flower growingin the endzone.Yes ladies, he is available.

The bus arrived and I gave my usual grunt to Muriel, the bus driver. She was short and very fat. She was always in the driver's seat and no one hasever seen her stand up. Some gossiped that she didn't stand up because her legs had given out on her 10 years ago. Others said that if she stood up, her hidden stash of twinkies would fall out of her butt crack. A few idiots believed that she was superglued to the seat. It didn't really matter the reason, the point was that she'd never stand up.

Brad went straightto hiscronies in the back. I went to the middle of the bus whereWeather and Iusually satand a small freshmen was sitting there looking out the window. I tapped him on the shoulder.

"This ismy seat ." I spoke with such force that it shocked myself.

The boy looked at me with dreary eyes that gave him the look that he had been pushed around a lot as a kid. He replied in a surprisingly deep voice," So what butt wipe."

So much for new friends.

Weather spoke from behind me," I don't like it when people talk like that and neither does Muriel."

The dreary boy looked at Weather like he was the real-lifeBFG and quickly ran out of the seat.

I took the window seat and Weather...well he took up all the other space. The bus started to lurch forward in all its yellow glory when it jolted to a stop. Muriel opened the bus door and then she stepped on.

-Page 2-

Hope you liked it. Hopefully you don't hate it.


Hippy Out

A Test that you should all try on your friends

Hi people.

i was at my friend's house and we thought of some question to gauge how smart your friends are the questions are a lot easier when they are written out,but they are a lot tougher when asked in real life.

Here are three of the questions

1.There is a flight going from Mexico to America. The pilot loses control and tries to make an emergency landing in America. The plane crash lands on the border. So, where do they bury the survivors?

2. Okay you have a bathtub full of water and you need to get the water out. You have a bowl, a cup, and a spoon. How do you get the water out?

3.A rectangular hole is 2 feet by 3 feet by 4 feet. How much dirt is in the hole?


















1. Why would you bury a survivor?

2. It's a bathtub. you can pull the plug

3. A hole cant have dirt in it. That's why they call it a hole.

Just try them out.

Sorry for the stupid blog.



&quot;Lone Premier&quot; :D

Sup people.

This is the premier of lone. It is supposed to be fiction, but some parts of my life and a few others might sneak there way in there.



Hi my name is Jay Pescedo.I'm 15years old and I think my life is as crappy and confusing as the next guy, but I have one thing different, I know about it.

A semi drove by my house. I looked at my clock6:00 PMThe gianttruckwas my alarm clock.I grunted.

I then realized what today was, it was the first day of school. Great just great. In the background, I heard my dad taking his pre-jobshower. He works at a high-ranked college in the city. He wasn't a major player in the college, but he had some authority.

I rushed to the kitchenand ate my breakfast of Cheerios and Orange Juice. Breakfast was the only time of the schoolday where I feel safe. Like when you were little and you'd have a nightmare and ran into your parents' room and slept with was a warm, protecting feeling.

My dad walked into the kitchen looking happy yet tired. He gave me the old,"It's a new school year! Do your best and it will be a great year." BS. In my head I translated the parent language to its normal form. " Get decent grades.Don't get in trouble. Don't do drugs. Make some friends and get a freaking haircut."

My dad was a great guy. He was tall, kinda fat and was balding. I felt bad for him. Even though his job was pretty cool, he had to work alone in his office. He reminded me of the kid that was nice, but never had the chance at popularity.

I grabbed my things and shoved them into my backpack. My dad's voice echoed through my small house," You want me to drive you to school or should I just be late for a different reason?"

I smiled. Humor this early in the morning? Maybe this will be the year.

I got into the back of my dad's car and my dad started the ignition. My heart started pounding, thoughts were racing through my head,

Will there be new kids? Will people want to be my friend? Will I get agirlfriend?

The last question buzzed in myhead.Another thought ran through my head rang," Will she be there."Not now, not this early. My dad stopped the car and I walked over to my bus stop. There were only two other people at the bus stop today, my only actual friend,Weather and Brad the jock that ruled the school through sports and girls.

Brad was listening to his Ipod so he didn't bother me. He liked to tease me, but nothingunusualcompared toother people in mygrade.

I walked over toWeather. Weather got his name after his voice. He was the first guy inmy grade to get his voice to stop cracking and his voice sounded exactly like a weather man's. Very deep and happy.

Weather was a great guy, but he still acted like he was nine-years old. He loved watching kids shows even when his little sister wasn't there with him and he still played with the latest Japanese game cards.

I greeted him with the usual," How's the Weather."

He looked up and responded," Warm and cheery by the looks of it."

End of Page 1

Sorry I had to end it at such an odd part. By ending it by page I don't have to leave a cliff hanger every blog.

That is all

A lazy Hippy Out