Hello mah nuggets.
As I said in my previous blog I'm making the Perfect Action Adventure. Action Adventure is a genre that has had a lot of success but nowherenear the success of FPS's. (Don't be angry if a game is considered part of the action genre because they seem close enough in my view).So lets startwith the Action Adventure key components.
#1- Characters-The character crew is the basis for any story. I more likeable character can make you wanna see what happens during the story.Without likeable characters a games story canbe a hassle.
#2- Story- Without a good story there is no point in playingan action adventure.The storykeeps you occupied and keeps you going while playing the game.
#3- Gameplay- Gameplaycan change an action adventure from average to incredible. By varying different things into one gameplay can keep agamer happy.
#4-Music- Most gamers don't realize that musicis key in striking the right moodin the game.The right songs can make any cutscene unforgettable.
#5-Atmosphere-Along with music, atmosphere can set a cutscene and the entire game. The right atmosphere can make any game stand out from the rest.
#6-Ally/Enemy Intelligence- The A.I of a game can make a game too easy or too hard so well balanced A.I is important.
#7-Graphics- A decision maker in many gamers eyes. A dull cartoonish look can make all of the other key components useless.
#8-Controls- An easy control layout can make an action adventure game easier to get into. Harder controls wil result in gamer rage.
Now that the key components are out of the way, lets start looking atthe best of each component.
#1- Characters- Uncharted 1/2.

Probably one of the most memorable of all character casts is Uncharted's. Throughout the game you will see all the characters act at sometimes serious, but other times humorous. Resulting in them looking more like humans and less like tiny people in your t.v. Voice acting among these characters is also superb and easy to believe. These characters truely show what a video game character should be like.
#2- Story- Metal Gear Solid 4

MGS4's story is one of the most complex, intrigueing, and emotionally grinding games EVER. Throughout the game you will ask yourself why is Snake old?, What are The Patriots intentions?. Questions like these will keep you wanting to play more in an action adventure. Along with questions, cutscenes and unpredictability keep MGS4 one step ahead of the gamer, making an addicting formula. This game should be thought more along the lines of an interactive movie because the story seems more like an acion movie.
#3- Gameplay- Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption offers a variety of things to do besides the usual action adventure. Throughout RDR's vast map there are many different activities your character can perform in. Red Dead makes you feel like you really are part of the game with all the fun stuff to do instead of one thing at a time like in older action adventures. You can gamble, hunt, look for wanted criminals, and much more.Like other games there is a main story along withsome side quests.Howeveralongthe way you can do so much more that makes this a superb example of greatgameplay.
#4-Music- Brutal Legend

Brutal Legend is the ultimate video game metal tribute. this makes it easy for the best action music. The whole world in Brutal legend is centered around metal. From background music to enemies types, they all make some reference to metal. To make it even more of a music juggermaut, are some guest appearances from some of metal's finest. Yes Ozzy Osbourne is in the game.When it comes to music perfection you can't get any closer than Brutal legend did.
#5-Atmosphere- INfamous

Unlike many Action Adventures, INfamous' atmosphere is something unique. Throughout the game, the atmosphere of the city will change according to how you play the game. If you are a hero, citizens will ask for your help, the sky will be a bright blue, and enemies will seem less likely to reveal themselves. If you are a villain, citizens will flee from you or attack you, the sky will be a dark color, and enemies lurk closer to you than before. INfamous gives an atmosphere that is perfectly suited for a superhero game like itself.
#6-Ally/Enemy Intelligence(A.I)- Batman Arkham Asylum

One of Batman Arkham Asylum's best qualities is its enemy A.I. The A.I. isintelligent enough to knowwhen they hear an explosion or see someone else hanging upside down, the caped crusader is in the room with them, but not so smart that they immediately know your exact location. The enemies in BAA are exact as you can get to an actual living being without actually playing one giving you the sensation of realism.
#7- Graphics- God of War 3

God OfWar is known for its over the top action, bloody killing, and memorable moments, but barely anyone ever notices the incredible graphics of God Of War 3. The incredible architecture makes you look in awe. Detailed character design makes them look almost too realistic.The graphics engine in GoW 3 make certain finishing moves more nasty than before. Never have I been amazed by architecture and disgusted watching a cyclops' optic nerve snap on my screen in one game.
#8- Controls- Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

Out of all the Action Adventure games out there, this is one of the simplest, straight forward layouts. Flicks of the wrist can make slash your sword and switching weapons is a breeze. Throughout the game the simple controls made me feel like I was just watching and didn't even think about what buttons I had to press. Overall, Twilight Princess gave me enjoyment in something that had twilight in the name.
i hope you liked my perfect action adventure. Thanks TNT for letting me use the concept of a perfect game. Stick around because Hippy is back on the air.
Hippy Out
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