The world of GTA V has always been a satirical one, full of exaggerated personalities and personas. It doesn't go after woman, it goes for politicians, cops, immigrants, everything. It has no boundaries.
Calling it misogynistic is disappointingly near-sighted and clearly shows a lack of comprehension.
Gamespot hasn't been brave enough to give anything more than a 9 for a while.
Bioshock Infinite - 9.0
The Last of Us - 8.5 (Okay, what? BioI I can understand but this game?)
GTA V - 9.0 (The world of GTA V has always been a satirical one, full of exaggerated personalities and personas. It doesn't go after woman, it goes for politicians, cops, immigrants, everything. It has no boundaries. Calling it misogynistic is disappointingly near-sighted and clearly shows a lack of comprehension.)
A 9 out of 10 because of some glitches? This game is far beyond games that you have personally given 9 out of 10s. This game is more than that, it is both intelligent, portraying one of the most interesting stories of this console generation, and fun, innovating combat FPS combat out of the stale mold it has fallen in to.
I've never even touched a Halo game for more than an hour, so know I'm not a fan boy. As time goes on, it seems more apparent, Chris Watters is a complete joke. He has absolutely no opinion and his scores reflect how mainstream the game is. Almost everything he reviews is a 8 to a 9. He's worse than an over opinionated jerk, he's a scared little mouse afraid of being hated on for an unpopular opinion. For one of the first times, IGN had a far better review than gamespot did on this one.
You know, I don't expect it to ever come out on PS3, but if it does, we expect a major compensation. Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and the next DLC, should all come for a single 15 bucks price tag.
TheHumanBush's comments