Look, metacritic is a great site, its really convient and all to get an overall view on a movie or game, but the community is absolute crap. If people don't like something about a game, or it has a view bugs or glitches that can eaisly be fixed it, its an automatic 0. Think about it, under no circumstances does Mass Effect 3, Skryrim, even Revelations deserve a 0, no matter how you look at it. The metacritic community is just a bunch of trolls, thats the down side to the website.
Like I always say: For Video games, Delayed Copy > Crappy Copy. For Reviews, Longer Wait > Dated Review. My suggestion is that as soon as you can, even if there is going to be a day one patch, let out a review. After the patch(s) change it, but make it so everyone knows you changed it by putting it in the front news feed saying "RE-Review of Brink" or something like that.
TheHumanBush's comments