Its a very very scary thought that sex offenders, especially the worst ones are being banned from gaming. Now they have a reason to get in a car and drive around instead.
Im not worried about the violence at all in video games. Im worried about the desensitization of violence due to violent media including video games. Which I know effects many people.
Why is it that children laugh at people getting hurt and their parents just tell them off for it? I believe that less and less parents tell their children off for laughing at people getting hurt on TV.
Yes playing violent games may be a good release of our violent emotions and it can be fun. But how many of you can consciously separate the fun that drowns down the disgust when real violence happens in real life media? (Keep in mind I said media and not just real life)
Heres a tip: Look for a photo of a violent act done on someone that was funny. Theres heaps online. It is funny yes? Now imagine he/she was a close friend/relative? Then imagine that it was you who was the victim.
It hurts to see children laughing at people obviously getting hurt and parents not doing a damn thing about it. I blame violent media for this. Parents are getting desesitized and their children are growing to love it.
Does anyone know where I can get these old classics other than ebay? Maybe some abandonware/freeware site or something? I know some of them are on steam and I may have them. But the others?
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