The damage modeling looks great, but without a real cockpit view, this game is at best a rental for me. I know it's actually uncommon, but that's what it looks like to drive a real car- and I have a hard time driving any other way. Accurate interiors are part of the appeal for me too. I really liked Grid, despite it being very much more in the 'arcade' camp than 'sim'. Give me a true cockpit view and I'd be buying rather than renting it.
Complicated, fee based pricing schemes are almost always a red flag for a rip-off. There is a reason why a simpler sale just won't do. Like the phone plans of a few years ago that looked to charge you nickel and dime for every different feature rather than give you a flat rate. Or the US tax code...but I digress. If all these pricing schemes were intended to lower the initial cost of the product, an argument could be made for them. But not one dev or retailer is talking about a lower purchase price to begin with. They simply are piling on more nickels and dimes to their already inflated purchase cost. Bottom line, they want more money for their games. But rather than just raising the purchase price, they figure they'll make more with this byzantine system of fees largely hidden from the consumer. We'd rather pay $100 for something over time than pay $80 up front. MS knows this, and is laughing all the way to the bank.
@cmat35 Oh they considered it, Cmat. Microsoft simply doesn't care. The potential for backlash was no doubt discussed and eventually, deemed a non-concern.
Face it, they're right. Few people will base a buying decision on such things, and the fact is MS will sell as many new consoles as their chinese sweatshops can pump out.
It will NOT have even a noticeable effect on Xbox sales, much less cause MS to even waste the energy on caring. The handful of people that will do more than talk and actually NOT purchase one will be made up for by the millions more that will.
The gaming community talks big but can't even pick up a stick for fear of putting down their controllers. EA continues to flatly rip off gamers, who every year buy EA new mansions purchasing broken, rehashed crap like Madden, Tiger Woods, etc- and the net effect is what? Nothing whatsoever.
You seriously think MS even notices? No, which is why they can't even give you a strait answer on features-- anything they say is just fluff they know they won't have to back up later
@niq511 @TheLamaKnows it's just how a real car is driven, so it comes rather naturally for me to use cockpit view. In games like Forza with accurate interiors, it seems a waste to never see them. For drifting, it's usually easier to be outside of the car because you lack that feel of grip breaking that you would have in real life- so I can see it there. Otherwise, I vastly prefer to see my driver's seat view
Cant believe so few people use the cockpit view. That's what it looks like to drive a real car, I find it really difficult to drive accurately with any other view. Plus, it's just more immersive that way.
Glad to know early that Grid 2 lacks them. That one point pretty much ruins the game for me.
@kargion @TheLamaKnows Dust isn't going to compete with instant rewards just for being there like CoD or BF. It is not based on single, stand alone (and meaningless) battles. You are working towards a real goal, not just some new outfit to wear. I think some FPS players are looking for more than brainless shoot em ups like CoD. Dust gives you something to fight for. But like Eve, it isn't for everyone. New Eden is a brutal place to live. I will say that no other game developer is like CCP. They are incredibly active with the player base, we have an elected council to talk directly to them. They spend a lot of time on the forums interacting directly with players. Give Dust a bit of time to work out the kinks, and I promise CCP will obsessively improve on it. Half the reason people stick with Eve is simply because CCP is so actively involved with players.
Just hope you FPS guys enjoy. Eve players have been looking forward to having you join us. Dust is literally a game changer for both the FPS genre, and Eve Online.
So cool to hear you guys talk about Eve. I've been playing for years but am still completely absorbed in it. It is indeed a massive time sink. But there is simply nothing else like Eve. It is as close to a self contained world as ever made and yet a single individual can absolutely impact it for everyone.
As an Eve player, I hope you guys like Dust and come join us in New Eden. Just remember that Dust is not meant to compete with CoD's instant gratification, but more the slower pace of an MMO. The point is to fight 'for something' rather than meaningless arena fights. Become part of a persistent world rather than a universe made of a dozen maps.
@snxx @TheLamaKnows I will defer to Randall in Clerks 2 when it comes to LOTR---- Even the F&&king trees tried to walk out of that movie. And no, given the incredible tome of excellence that was the LOTR books- no one that is literate thinks the movies did anything but milk a franchise. Handed LOTR and all he could do was walking trees and CGI between overblown dialog. Read the books. Tolkein didn't need CGI to immerse the reader. It's that total reliance on a gimmick rather than substance that wears thin with me. Jackson managed to make the most epic fantasy adventure ever written to be utterly boring. He removed any form of social commentary from District 9 by running for robots and explosions the moment any topic of depth was even touched on (and his childishly black and white character direction on it was literally, film school level). I think you people should simply have higher standards.
Games are no different. There will always be those that ooh and ahh over shiny, flashy things. And those that prefer substance. If all you're looking to do is cash in on quick release-day sales with a bunch of pretty graphics and hype- it's because you know that no one will be playing the game in a month. Better get the suckers' money quick.
the people that are saying their game is all about graphics, have a bad game. Hide behind pixels all you want, it's just an excuse to hump the graphics card because writing a solid game is too hard. I call this the Peter Jackson syndrome
That guy sucks. His movies are terrible, thin, and their only saving grace is that someone spent 10x as much on green screen as they did on script writing. Every time there is a chance for something important to be explored....bam, giant robots and explosions because that's all he knows.
Graphics are nice. But Skyrim only exists because D&D did, and that didn't have graphics.
TheLamaKnows' comments