Question for all you OTer's, do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? And when I say daredevil I mean when you goto an amusement parks your not afraid of going on the "extreme" rides. Or perhaps you've bungee or skydived in the past. Basically, nothing really scares you. As for me I'm not afraid of extreme rides, but I couldn't see myself skydiving or bungee jumping. Bit to scary for me.
@thegerg: That was an awesome post, got a chuckle out of me. But damnit were getting the cup back next year, back to Canada where it belongs and Tim Hortons makes the greatest donuts in the world!
So apparently Scott Walker has the bright idea of building a wall between Canada and U.S. He calls it a legitimate concern. Such a wall would probably cost 18 billion ( and probably more considering it must go through mountains) as well it will have a negative impact on trade and tourism. And how many people would it stop from entering the U.S. Illegally... Wait for it.... 822! That's how many entered illegally in 2013. Yes Walker wants to build a multi-billion dollar wall for 822 people! This guy is an idiot!
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