TheMassDebater's forum posts
I imagine: (On a scale of 1-4, 1 beings the easiest and 4 being the hardest)
1. Same gameplay, yawn
2. Tiring
3. Tedious
4. Xbox off.
Have you been in debate?
Does your school have a debate team/club?
Well, I'm in debate and I love it. I live in Minnesota, where Debate is mostly known for in the US, as Minnesota is the most popular place for the activity.
Our high school participates in Policy Debate, the typical/classical style of debate here. Last year our topic, Minnesota's topic, was whether the US should give aid to Sub-Saharan Africa. Now, you debate the Affirmative and Negative.
Everything (every arugment) must be backed up with either logic, or evidence.
Mostly every argument must be flowed (on paper) and if you don't refute an argument, the other team you're debating can bring that up and say "therefore since you didn't refute our argument, you therefore must agree with us."
Debate is very useful in:
- English class for writing essays
- Gives you knowledge of current events
- Great argumentation skills
I don't associate myself with debating, in any way, shape or form...
Lets hear your worst or best pickup lines.
Here goes
"How do you like your eggs in the morning? Fertlised?"
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