one of my mates has preordered it for me for my birthday =D can't wait, pity im going to have to wait for exams to finish before i can actually play.
TheMazaku's forum posts
Why do so many people want to play games in Windowed Mode.... can someone please explain?FelipeInsidethe reason i do is because I run two screens and need to keep in contact with people (over msn, facebook etc). running games in windowed mode makes it much easier to move from the game, to an msn conversation, to the internet and vice versa.
Go for it. It's a great GPU as well. Currently using it and having very good fun playing games on v-high =)
To be honest, Resident Evil 4 on the PC isn't even worth it unless you have a gamepad. Keyboard/Mouse controls are sloppy due to the 2nd rate port. That being said. I'm not saying it is a bad game, on the contrary it's one the best, but it's not worth it for PC if your using a mouse and keyboard.
Hrmm. Last year in one epic weekend I played AoC for around 26 hours straight. Didn't have a headache which was good. Had quite a few cups of coffee though.
This year, probably 3 hours max during holidays of any game. School for the loss.
I have played all three, played Fallout 3 for around 10 hours, Far Cry 2 for 15 and Dead Space for 15.
Value for Money: Fallout 3
My favourite: Dead Space
Repetitive: Far Cry 2
I wouldn't bother with Far Cry 2, it's a great game, the gun mechanics are spot in for a FPS, it's just that having to clear out gaurdposts every 5 mins, doing the same missions over and over, gets annoying.
Dead Space I enjoyed very much, it isn't very long, took me around 12 hours to beat it on normal. I liked the story but many people think it's cliche. If you do get this, I highly recommend watching the Animated COmics and the Animated Prequel before playing, adds to the experience in my opinion.
Fallout 3 is just an amazing game in general, I've played 10 hours and haven't even touched the first Mainquest out of Vault 101. Fallout 3 is probably the only game I have played where the sidequests are just so fun and captivating that you just lose yourself in them. And it's so exciting making massive world-changing decisions (I won't say what it is) and wondering what would happen if you went down a different path.
Fallout 3 is easy to recommend, Dead Space may just be an acquired taste so to speak. GL making a decision!
No games are 'bad'. They just aren't as good as they should have been, or aren't as good as expected. Something I have noticed is that as I've gotten older (and more picky) I find that I say that less and less games are 'awesome'. When I was 8, everything was awesome! That's the way it is, every game is good... when your 8.
Developers usually just leave a game if it does bad, very rarely will a developer even bother with a patch, and when they do, it nearly never fixes the problems. This is why so few games actually make a profit, and recetly why many game development studios and companies are closing down, selling off, and losing stock.
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