TheMazaku's forum posts
Well.....technically, isn't that what a game is SUPPOSED to do when you BEAT it? :?
Yes, I am starting to get annoyed at people complaining that the game ends when they finish the primary quest. I understand that it is an open-world game, but open-world doesn't mean never ending.
I actually prefer it to be shorter. That way the story doesn't drag on and a casual gamer can feel a sense of accomplishment even playing for 30mins or an hour.
Most people who complain about a game being too short clearly just rush through the SP anyway, and with trophies, time-trail, DLC (most likely) I am sure that it will last me a lot more thn 8 to 10 hours :)
If a developer knows that their game is being 'hyped', more often then not they feel that they don't need to completety polish a game. Obviously this isn't the case of all developers, some developers will go the extra mile to make sure their games are great, heres a little example using school :P
You have an assignment, you show your teacher before you hand it in and your teacher says it is amazing. Do you bother trying to make it better, if your teacher (target audience, which would be us in the gaming industry) already thinks its awesome? What if your teacher said it looked good, but needed some work... Would you work hard to make it better? I would! But a devoted student (or developer), would work their rear-end off no matter what the teacher said, they would work till they made a game that is truely amazing.
My Two Cents :P
I am up to chapter 8 and let me tell you that it doesn't get boring. The Zero-G segments are great, and method of killing (strategic dismemberment) is very well done.
I couldn't sleep at night if I didn't encourage people to buy it because it is a great experience. The atmosphere is amazing and the pacing is great.
I guess it wouldn't be fair if I didn't list the flaws :P The only thing I dislike about the game is the repition of fetch and fix quests, also you tend to backtrack across areas you've already been but that is incorporated well into the game.
It is worth a buy, or a least a rent :)
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