This is an age old discovery that most people here on system wars know in the back of their head, but don't bother mentioning it because this IS system wars. But dont worry I'm sure most system warers know that more competition only leads to happier consumers.
TheMistique's forum posts
Yeah, I only own a PC right now for gaming and I wish I could get some of the great games that consoles have. But I will tell you this. If I had all the consoles and didnt have a PC for gaming, I would probably kill myself.
Are you sure you don't mean the ratio as in 4:3, 16:10, 16:9?
Absolutely not, the higher the resolution, the closer you can sit to the screen. Thus increasing the FOV...
When the resolution is the same, the FOV is the same if you are sitting from the optimal distance..
Take the below chart for example. The FOV when sitting 10 ft from a 80" 1080p Screen takes up the same FOV as a sitting 2.5 ft from a 40" screen.
And this is why 1440 at 27" is better than 1080 at 60" and why 4k at 40" will be optimum once you can get one for under $1k that does 60hz.
FOV and immersion is most important to me. not to everyone. Some people like deep black levels of Plasma's, but I have a really nice samsung plasma and it doesnt compare to my 1440 PLS with 120hz input. (1080 just looks bad to me now) but I like to be as close as humanly possible to my screen. Everyone has there preference.
EDIT: and either that chart is not accurate or my eye's are GODLIKE. because at 5 feet away from both my 1080 27" and my 1440 27" the difference is very noticeable.
Consoles over time eventually surpass PC's with relatively similar specs and over more time can even perform better in some games than PCs with superior hardware.
First hand experience: When the Xbox 360 first launched, my now ancient GeForce 6800 GT (which came out in early 2004 I think - don't quote me on that, too lazy to look it up) performed significantly better in Quake 4 and Prey, two launch window games for the 360. However, that card probably wasn't even supported for games like Crysis 2/3 or Battlefield 3 which also released on consoles.
In 2007 I upgraded to a GeForce 8800 GTS which was $600 at the time. It blew away the console competition. However, a few years later that same graphics card was considered the minimum requirement for Crysis 2 and Battlefield 3 and the console versions looked and ran significantly better.
8800 gts will destroy most any multiplat game on last gen consoles with similar settings. crysis 3 (dx10 patch) on the lowest setting at 720p on pc still looks better than it does on ps3/360. Bioshock infinite on lowest settings at 720p on pc also looks better than it does on ps3. The 8800 gts will easily play those games at a higher framerate than the ps3/360 does. The only reason system requirements go up on pc over the years is because they make the lowest setting higher each time the make a game. ( I think it's because they have a deal with the hardware companies)
It's because Gabe is completely against all this SH***Ty business models that EA, UBI, Activision, and many others have. He Gives customers what they want and most of the time he does it for free because paying for most map packs etc is downright ridiculous. Just look at the DotA business model vs the LoL one. Or TF2 vs battlefield/CoD. Gabe respects his customers and understands what they deserve and doesnt treat his customers like stupid idiots unlike every other company.
Ill make the jump to 4k when I can get a 100" 4K OLED TV for less than $4,000.
Pretty much
4K is only worth it when you start going 80" and above. Its certainly not a gimmick; where as "3D" still makes people sick, dizzy, etc.
not true at all. I had the seiki 4k 39" tv and it was the best thing iv'e ever seen for pc games. switching from that back down to 1080 looked worse than going from 1080 to 720. I think we needed 4k a few years ago. we are too far behind in tech right now and it's frustrating when myself as a consumer simply cant obtain a decent 40" 4k tv that refreshes at 60hz just because it's not on the market yet. just ridiculous. Like I said before,1080 on anything bigger than 30" simply looks bad to me unless I sit far enough away to make the tv size pointless. All I want is to get most of my vision devoured by a tv/monitor screen without it looking like SH**. It's a shame tech isnt there yet.
I am personally waiting on 4k tv that is 40" and 60hz under $1000. 1080 on anything bigger than 20" looks like crap. 1440 on anything bigger than 30" looks like crap. what's the point of getting a bigger screen if I have to sit so far away from it? 4k on a 40" at 3 feet away = better than iMax on my desk.
@clyde46: Outside of human-hawk hybrids. Its mostly a gimmick. You will goto a bestbuy, eskimo kiss the screen.. get really impressed only to realize under normal viewing circumstances it doesnt make a difference.
Or you will turn into one of those guys that swears monster cables offer better picture quality because they cant come to terms with the fact they were duped.
No. You are wrong. I wont even consider this an opinion. I seriously think we are moving way too slow when it comes to TV panel tech. I bough the seiki 39" 4k tv for $500 on amazon when it was on sale and it was awesome! Finally video games looked sharp on anything larger than a 24". The only problem was the inputs were only hdmi which in turn means the panel could only refresh at 30hz, and that is simply not acceptable. Display port input would have solved this. What i'm trying to say is 1080p is not good enough anymore and looks like crap when you see gaming at 4k. we need this tech to come into existence faster. Pixel density is really important to me and can make or break immersion. 4k is not only not a gimmick, but it is a necessity.
EDIT: sorry i get a little tense when it comes to high rez gaming. didnt mean to get carried away :)
Shit looks the same
Best played on home theater tho
Best played with a home theater system, using a console that doesn't output the full resolution of your TV, right?
Silly fanboys.
Best played with a Home Theater System Period.
Explosions with a $1600 dollar Subwoofer that can reach down to 15hz is mouth widening
Id rather play with Three 1440p ips monitors at 120hz in surround and tin can speakers, than any 1080p 60hz tv with the best sound system in the universe.
EDIT: 3 1440p PLS 120hz capable monitors only cost me $840. and that's a lot less than most decent plasmas.
So basically what the TC is saying is that when he plays the pc version on high settings at 900p for a bit then he switches the settings to ultra and 1080p he doesnt notice a difference. That's understandable as I know plenty of people who wouldnt bother to tell the difference between the two. Me on the other hand am very spoiled with a 1440p monitor and anything less is incredibly noticeable to me along with plenty others who have been spoiled as I have.
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