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ThePrider Blog

Captain Snooz

Captain Snooz you're an awesome guy

Go Captain Snooz Punching all the bad guys

Run Captain Snooz and make all clap clap

I wanna be just like you Captain Snooz

All dreams in the world can't beat you

Captain Snooz Go

Dreaming dreams no0ne can beat

That's Captain Snooz Go

Clap clap for captain Snooz yeah

If you have any bad dreams

Call on the Captain

He'll stomp those nightmares Yeah


Circle golfer looking overall


I wanna golf left

I dont like do this anymore

Playin' all games looking overall

I don't wanna hay in my

Bad milk I found and drank

You like no0ne I don't

Go right there squirrel in overall

Go away please!

I sniff my sniffle snuffle bubble hubble

Whaydo everybody go round'n'round

Week by weeke I dance lo bo hi

Go away please!

Go away PLEASE!

I find eh vile spit the goodness

Living my life out knocking doors

Dancing lo bo hi all day

Go away please!

Go away PLEASE!

Dying each hour each day

Bursting bobbles on my belly

No homes shooting rays of hay

Please go away...

Poetry: First Act

Here's some poetry that I wrote. They don't have any titles so I'll just call them "Number" 1 and "Number 2" (I'm a genious)

Number 1:

The crows are flying


I'm crying with pain

As the thorns of stupidity

Slashes through my brain

Perhaps it is better this way

Perhaps I can't do anything

To save anyone from this terrible ring

That blocks all knowledge

Number 2:

Condensed blood gather in streets and form a creature

Evil he is not, but ugly and miserable

People without faces are pointing at him

Some laugh, some cry

I want to help

But I don't think I'm able


Theyr'e watching

Please tell me what you think!

DAWN: A collection of writings by The Prider

I have decided to write a book and post some of its contents here on gamespot. So feel free to read my stuff and if you like it it go and buy my book when it comes out. I'll give you a link for you to order it from when I'm done.
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