I'd level up some more. One thing I noticed about this game is that you need to do some serious level grinding. Wait till you fight the last battle, then you'll be ready to kill yourself.tgrace
Lol, okay. Well, if anyone has anymore helpful advice, it would be mucho appreciated.
Ugh... This game is so frustrating... Alrighty, So I finally beat Gutsco, take back the horn of ice, only to have him steal BOTH of them back... So I take the enterprise up to the cave about Dwave village and duke it out with a bunch of monsters... I get all the worthwhile items, heal my party, then I go fight Gutsco..Scuse me, the SALAMANDER. I use Blizzarda, Anartic winds, my Ice sword, Pots, cure everything I have, hitting over 3k damage on him, and he still doesnt go down.... What am I doing wrong? My party has 3 lvl 19's and a 18 and I have a thief, red mage, white mage, and a warrior.... Hlep me please before I kill meself.
I despise it when people bash a game for being "kiddy". Are they afraid that playing a game with some colors other than black and grey and blood red going to make them look like a little kid? Do you play games at all? Welcome to the kiddy /bang/wagon.
Holy...I hope this was a typo....
Back on topic, Im all for ninty continuing its flagship franchises, but I want something new (and that goes for Mario, too.) I guess they think that if it aint broke, dont fix it.
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