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NFL Sunday, I Wont Be On Today + Question Blog

Well is the first sunday of the NFL season, all though im not a giant football fan illo be watching sports all day long. I wanna see the Jets get crushed then at half time ill put on the yankee game and that should end at around 5:30, then the Giants come on at 8:15 so ill check that out, Im a Giants fan.

Plus my first day of school is tomorrow so i have to do my summer homework today, ill probably wont get around to it though, ill probably play donkey kong country 2 instead. Ive been playing my VC games alot lately, i just beat the game Ristar yesterday and i think ill write a review about it tomorrow.

Also ill let this be a question blog so everyone can ask there questions and ill answer them tomorrow when i come on, so ask away.

No More WiFi Today + Could My Friends Help Me, PLEASE!!

Well im off WiFi today, im at my house so i wont be on

And could some of you guys help me, i started up this tournament in my union like a character battle but only 4 people responded, you dont have to join the union just give me names and if you want ill give you a bracket so you could be in the tournament. if your intrested heres a link
im going to be kicking out most of my officers today so i could make some of you guys officers, we'll probably have 2 or 3 openings if you want one, but if i make you officer could you stay active please? :D

EDIT - i just got a new emblem, the pushover emblem

Leveled up to 6 & 7 in The Same Day + My WiFi Friend Codes

well im at level 6 is

Level 6 - The Super Spy - One of the first attempts at a first-person-perspective action game, for the Neo Geo, in which you played as a secret agent charged with infiltrating an enemy base.

EDIT - I also went up to level 7 in the same day, which is sectoid

Level 7 - Sectoid - A baddie from the X-Com games.

Also here are my Friend codes, my wii one is on my page already and i didnt get my metroid one yet because im doing a wii system update right now, so ill get that one out soon

Metroid Prime Hunter - 3393-9934-9285

Mario Kart DS - 094581-347491

Pokemon - 1633-0693-2641

im like 25% done with this wii system update so ill get my mp3 fc out soon

EDIT - That update took an hour but now im readt to go if anyone wants to play online

I Will Be On WiFi Tomorrow

Well for those of you who know im rarelt on wifi, ill be on tomorrow and im bringing my wii so for those who want to friends request me on wii (i dont know how that works) then do so, it should be on the side of my proflie.

ill be bringing my mario kart, metroid prime hunters and metroid prime 3

Maybe ill bring my pokemon but im not sure yet, im not that intrested in pokemon anymore.

what do you think should i or shouldnt i?

Im Done With Work For The Summer

Well i finished my summer job and that means i can be online more and get to play me games more, i think i only have 3 hours in on mp3 but i have 11 hours in kingdom hearts

Wow that was stupid of me, i had to go to dinner sorry, ill post another blog update later, thats all i had to really say

New Banner Up

What do you think? I think it looks really good, plus it was unexpected

Thanks go to -MasterChef-, is there anything he cant do!!

I Changed My Avatar, And I Think I Decided On A Banner

Well I think im just gonna change my avatar back and forth for the rest of the night eventually leaving diddy kong as my permanent one.

And for my banner it depends who makes it because some people have a certain style but i definetly want toad, diddy kong & conker on it

Im gonna try to get the tagger emblem thing today, wish me luck.

I Need Some Ideas

Well i couldnt think of anything to blog about except the fact that my last 3 blogs have 14 then 15 then 16 comments, so i decided i need a banner. I want diddy kong and conker from conkers bad fur day in it, does anyone have any other ideas for my banner or for tomorrows blog?

EDIT - also i got a new emblem

The Old-School Emblem
I got it because i remembered some games i forgot to add like vectorman, megaman,and the final fantasy games.

A Couple of Things To Talk About Today

I have 5 things to say today

1) Im so stuck in kingdom hearts, i skipped around alot, i killed the 3 headed dog, i saw that big monkey in tarzan, ker-something, i went to alice in wonderland and i went into the bizarre room upside down, side ways, and stuff and i dont know where to go now, could anyone help?
EDIT - I figuered it out, i had to hit the faucet and i finished the tarzan one

2) Yes, yesterday was my last day on my final account and people asked why, whats the point and stuff. So the reasons i changed was because i didnt really want to use it anymore, i had 5 mods and i wanted to start fresh and other reasons. I listed them on a blog on that account so you can check it out if you want, it doesnt really matter though because im using this account for now on.

3) WTF, was there a brawl update today? I went to check it out and there was nothing there for today.
EDIT - I saw it, it didnt come on to late though, it was wario ware

4) Im Level 5 now, whichis
Level 5 - Tapper - A reference to the arcade game by the same name, in which the player had to serve beer quickly to increasingly surly patrons.

5) Should i change my avatar?

Any Thoughts?