The thing that frustrates me most is probably ignorance. Mind you, I expect people to be ignorant, it's part of what makes us human. How far we take it though is completely up to us. Some people do have a tendency to take it too far.
People have a tendency to make an issue of stupid things. People are people, being different from one another is an inherent. Just because someone may have different ideals than you, it doesn't mean that you need to completely disassociate yourself from them. I know people like that, they really get on my nerves when they take it too far. You have your beliefs, I have mine, but in the end we are in theory one in the same.
A few months ago my computer was shutting itself off whenever I was playing a game. It would only do this during gameplay, not during normal usage. Naturally I thought it was the PSU and asked around. People assured me that I was correct. I took it in to the shop and requested them to change the PSU. They did some testing and it was apparently the HD that was causing these shut downs. This I cannot really explain. So, they changed the HD and everything works fine now. I was wondering if it might be possible to retrieve some data off of my old HD which I still have. I would imagine that it is possible. I am completely stumped as to how I would extract what I want. My knowledge of computers is skindeep at best.
If any of you have any suggestions, I would be more than greatful to here what you have to say.
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