-The Return of the editing bar-
Good job Gamespot. You returned the editing bar seconds before I threatened to break your back. I will allow you to live...for now! Mmhhm..mmmhhmm..mmmmahahahaahAAAHAHAAAA!!!WHAAAHAHAHA!!!!
-The Return of the editing bar-
Good job Gamespot. You returned the editing bar seconds before I threatened to break your back. I will allow you to live...for now! Mmhhm..mmmhhmm..mmmmahahahaahAAAHAHAAAA!!!WHAAAHAHAHA!!!!
-When your best is just too much-
Today's topic is, you guessed it, innovation, and a recent spurt of it in the game industry and Hollywood. Let's start with what innovation is. Innovation, in it's most basic form, is a new idea or a clever take on an old one. We've been seeing a lot of it over the years, mainly in the film industry. After all, who wouldn't want to see a movie about a killer leprechaun in Compton?
And as the years go by, we begin to see more and more innovation. In fact, we've been seeing a lot of innovation in games recently, with games like Bioshock pushing story and atmosphere eons forward. Plus theres everything coming out soon, like Fallout 3, Call of Duty 4, Burnout Paradise City, and many more. Game developers seem to be brimming with innovation, especially Japan.
And don't just think good innovation is just in good games. Good innovation can come in meh movies as well. Take Norbit for example. The story of a small, nervous man who has been forced to marry a...um, large madam by her three gangster brothers. Meanwhile, Norbit's childhood sweetheart returns, and he is forced to make a choice:Run away with his true love, or keep his limbs. Norbit shows loads of innovation, from the way the story is revealed, to the special makeup effects of Eddie Murphy's 20000000000 characters. The jokes are intelligent, the plot is fresh, and the characters are very deep.
Just kidding. Norbit is innovative because it teaches you how not to make a comedy. Or a movie, for that matter. That's all the time I have for now, so I hope you enjoyed this lesson in innovation. I sure have.
Hello everyone. I'm starting a union, dedicated to sci-fi fps games, and also fps games in general. I sent out the invitations to my four charters, but apparently one of them has left Gamespot, never to return.(I'm sure he had a good reason.) Anyway, I need someone to be a charter in my union. If you're interested, simply comment. Thanks.
Halloween is coming up. And I've decided to change my avatar for the event. That's all I can think of, goodbye.
Yesterday, someone posted an article on the forums stating "We'll know if aliens exist in 2025!!". Apparently, the government is using an extremely high-power telescope to scan billions of stars, and we should know if anyone is out there when the data gets back in 2025.
Now here's my question:When we meet the aliens, intelligent or no, what will we do? Will we attempt to make peace, bringing the human race together in the process? Will we argue over who found the aliens, and forget about them? Or will we nuke 'em?
I hope it's that first one, but there's always the possibility that we'll find a hostile alien species. After all, can we really trust all aliens to be fun-loving, zen minded individuals, like me?
Or raging, rabid, homicidal barbarians that happen to be armed to the teeth with plasma weaponry?
We won't know until 2025...but until we are certain they're nice, I'm gonna be sleeping with my Cerebral Bore.
...and Oktoberfest is knocking on my door! EEEEKK!!!!
For the best few years, I've sworn not to go to Oktoberfest...and for the past few years, I've gone anyway. *shivers* Truly terrifiying. Moving on...I discovered that I ascended to Level 3 and am now a Mediator. I've never been happier in my life! Now, I may not know exactly what a Mediator is, but I'm sure it's important! Don't shoot me down for my lack of knowledge!;)
Sometimes, you have a day when all you really want to do is sit back and relax. Other times, you want to mow everyone in your immediate vicinity down with a plethora of gardening tools. Guess which day I had? I had gone to a few stores, picking up the neccesities:food, games, missiles...I never expected to face this kind of horror.Everywhere I turned there was someone else standing in my way. Old people, five-year olds, undead employees...all aiming to ruin my day. All shuffling along like zombies. All standing around. I ran, but couldn't escape the terror...the checkout line was full of them. I payed for my items and ran...in the parking lot there were even more...I think we have a D-Size outbreak on our hands. Pick up your shotguns, we're taking back our planet.
All this zombie-ness led me to form a theory, I call it the NPC-Effect:People only exist to get in your way and foul up your best efforts. Be on the lookout for the undead in your lives, and see if the NPC-Effect can help you...I'm sure I'll see loads of it when I cave and got to Oktoberfest.
Play that funky music RIIIIHIIIITE!! Man I hate that song. If you read the previous blog(and why wouldn't you?) you'd know that I got a chance to play Halo 3 yesterday. And Gears of War. AND Dead Rising(lawnmower! yeah!) I'd say that's a pretty good selection. When my friend and I were desperately struggling to play co-op(stupid miswired controller.) I noticed:The song that's playing in the main title screen sucks. This game needs a new soundtrack. And before you all scream "Slayer and Cradle of Filth ftw!!!!1" Think:Would Master Chief always want to listen to super-fast,super-heavy stuff after a battle? Don't get me wrong, I love metal. I think Master Chief might want to listen some Journey, or maybe Creed while meditating on top of a mound of corpses. Your thoughts?
Quote of the day:*after shooting an enemy dead with a Needler in Halo 3* "Sparkleee!"-Me
Finally getting a chance to play Halo 3 today..along with Dead Rising and Skate(not so excited about that one-_-) This is all possible thanks to the fact that most of my friends have 360's(My wish list is their wish list ;) But really, why is there a money system? I think, if we could go back to the barter system used by the Mesopotamians and the Egyptians, things would be a lot easier. (For me at least)
"Four chickens for GTA 4."
"Deal! Sucker, I would've gone to five chickens and a cow."
Back to the topic at hand though, I can't wait. Halo 3 is gonna be great, even if I'm arriving late.*sigh* Oh well. This'll be a good chance to try that new game fuel stuff. Once I pass out from an overdose of Mountain Dew, will someone call the ambulance?
And then there's Dead Rising, which I heard was one of the best games of last year. When you can beat zombies with giant ducks, it has to be great. Speaking of zombies, Halloween is coming up. O.k, it's still september, but it's the 29th. And I have the best idea for a costume:The Big Daddy. Yes, I've seen those pictures of the guy with a bucket on his head, and this costume will be much better than that. This costume will win awards, be praised at conventions....if I actually get up and do it.
...And I haven't played it yet? What's wrong with me? To be fair though. here are a lot of good games coming out, it's easy to get lost..No matter where I look there's a new game to play or anticipate. Bioshock, Metroid Prime 3, Call of Duty 4, Contra 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, it goes on and on...Even old games, like Half-Life 2 are being re-realeased.(The Orange Box...worst title ever...best collection ever...) But who's complaining?:D More good games means less bad ones.
And now to review what happened this week:
On Monday I looked around and realized half the populations molecules were vibrating...the result of Halo 3's release on Tuesday, no doubt.
On Tuesday I thoght to myself"Halo 3! Yeah! Pwn the noobs!" Then my halfway smart side came over and said"You don't have an Xbox 360, idiot."
Wednesday.....nothing really happened.
Thursday...I discovered a new band to add to my list of favorites. I heard "Would you love a Monserman?" by Lordi.
Friday...Well, that's today.
Thats about it...
Quote of the day:"A great big bushy beard!" Hot Fuzz
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