@brendan sinclair --youre wrong about R* adding multiplayer to max payne multiplayer just to make people keep the game longer --in the years since MP2 every gotdamn game on the planet has multiplayer --even kid icarus on 3ds has multiplayer --and every time i check, the lobbys are full and ready to go --max payne is R*'s only REAL shooter --what good would a game like MP be with no multiplayer these days?(vanquish anyone?) --the season pass DLC is to cash in --but if id spent decades building one of the biggest gaming developing companies on the planet --id feel i deserved to cash in a little bit(using standard accepted marketing practices) --and all theyre selling is map packs ,so only so many people are gonna buy something like that anyway --we all buy games knowing dlc is coming --and even though a season pass makes it A LOT less likely one would resale the game early --it dosent mean its ALWAYS a sales technique --if R* wanted to milk something,they sure as hell wouldnt milk max payne ,especially now that red dead redemption sold over 8 million units
remember when music/audio became software? you cant stop software piracy you can hold it up here and there eventually all software (including games) will be free gaming companies need to embrace this fact and build their marketing strategys around it else nelson will keep telling us "everyones listening to country music" when,nobodys listening to country music...?
backwards compatibility 3ds shoulda removed the stylus(not touchscreen though) added the second circle pad made the wcreen bigger added EVEN more HP and removed the DS brand from the 3ds hopefully nintendo will learn from the 3ds mistakes when it comes to wiiU
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