@WCK619 @The_Beanster I just think core gamers will get pissed off and go somewhere else while casual gamers won't know what's going on.
@eze_sl89 Isn't Sega still too busy throwing nonsensical copyright strikes at youtubers to focus on conquering the world?
@clynch0527 @The_Beanster @MdoRandoms Not sure if taking my posts way too seriously...... or just has tiny e-peen.
@Kano92 @cireking213 You can play your steam games offline, genius...And you could always sell your steam account if you wanted.
@CivilizedPsycho Because you are a criminal and you probably pirated that game you slimy thief, so your console needs to be online so we can prove what you're up to and sue the crap out of you.
The_Beanster's comments