@Fire_Wa11 In my opinion, Far Cry 3 was a dumb game that took itself way too seriously. The whole "you're an average guy who is forced against his will to turn into a killer" thing just doesn't work when you put up a body count in the hundreds/thousands by the end of the game. And Vaas is a fantastic villain who is horribly underused.
On the other hand, Blood Dragon is a dumb game that knows it's dumb and doesn't pretend to be anything other than a dumb game offering you a good time.
Gameplay on both is very similar and both are great, but I just thought the characters and story in Far Cry 3 got in the way of the game's best aspects - chaotic open world adventure and killing. If both are the same price, FC3 is the better deal just because it has a lot more content, but if Blood Dragon is 25% of the price of FC3, it's the better option by far.
Now, if you don't like the 80s so-bad-it's-good tone of Blood Dragon, you won't like that game very much. It is more one-note than the full game.
The_Beanster's comments