@kuda001 It's just the cool thing to do to hate on Crysis. Crytek is in the unfortunate position of having pissed everybody off... console fanboys hate on them because the PC master race spent YEARS trotting out Crysis as the thing consolers were missing out on, and the PC master race hates Crysis 2 and 3 for being so dumbed down and bleh compared to the first one. And people who have never played all the games hate them because they've made claims about Crysis 3 being a "masterpiece" and about how "graphics are 60% of a game" that people freaked out over.
I loved Crysis 1 - it's a legitimately great game. Thought Crysis 2 was total crap. Enjoyed Crysis 3 a lot and thought it was at least better than the bad rep it gets in comments sections.
Single player DLC for Crysis 3 would excite me... I really enjoyed the game and would like to have some more content to play through, especially if it's a bit more open, Crysis 1 style.
Maybe for some the issue is a lack of games, but for me it's DRM and privacy. All fifteen of these first year exclusives could get 10/10 and I wouldn't care... I will not support anti-consumer DRM and privacy practices with my money.
It's like they think they're the only platform out there... well newsflash M$, I don't need an xbone, it's your job to make me WANT one. And I will never want a daily DRM checkup or Kinect 2.0.
@ModestDude @The_Beanster And you can't play starcraft, hundreds of indie games, good MMOs or MOBAs, use mods, etc on your console
Each platform has its own exclusives. It's not an argument for one system over another to list exclusives. It's all a matter of preference. I for one have never had any interest in Sony's exclusives.
The_Beanster's comments