@JBStone1981 @The_Beanster Yeah, and while I do have some slight sympathies with the idea of games as services, it's a fundamental contradiction when it comes to an actual console. A physical device is by definition a product/good and not a service. It makes sense that I need to be online to use Xbox Live. It does not make sense that I need to be online to use an Xbox.
@ernelson1976 Xbox Live is a service. Xbox is not. It's a physical machine that you purchase and own and put in your house, and it does not require the internet in order to work.
I think this article misses the fundamental problem with AO-DRM. The problem is that essentially you are allowing Microsoft to tell you if, when, and how you can use a product you purchased and own. An Xbox isn't a service. It's a product. When you buy one, you own it. As such it is you and not M$ who should be able to decide how you use it.
If it's always online-required, I guarantee you that a day will come in the future when M$ shuts down the servers and nobody can use their console anymore. That's just how it works. Essentially, AO-DRM makes it so that you are only renting the console and not buying it.
Also, even if there were services that made you want to be always online with it, it still would not justify forcing always online. The appropriate thing to do is to make the online features so good that customers WANT to keep their box online all the time even though they don't have to.
@Zorine Oh phew glad you're here to remind me that was just an opinion. Wow I really thought for a second there that people posting on comments sections was something else... I was a little worried.
I love when people are so insecure that they feel the need to be captain obvious and point out that comments on game articles are opinions.
And I know there's a lot of people who like CoD. Sheep aren't exactly an endangered species, you know.
The_Beanster's comments